General control line discussion => Open Forum => Topic started by: Dan McEntee on March 03, 2017, 06:43:50 PM

Title: Hazel Sigs's Birthday Party
Post by: Dan McEntee on March 03, 2017, 06:43:50 PM
    A few weeks back  I posted a thread about Hazel Sig's up coming 95th birthday party this coming Sunday, March 5th. I am making the trip up to Montezuma  for the day with Mark Hughes riding shotgun. Anyone else  attending the festivities? I see it as a perhaps last chance to hang out and spend some time with a true legend of the hobby industry, and probably the last of her era  of the great, hobby industry owners, and just a grand lady in general.
   Type at you later,
    Dan McEntee
Title: Re: Hazel Sigs's Birthday Party
Post by: john e. holliday on March 03, 2017, 07:04:32 PM
Hey give her a hug from the old DOC Holliday.  Would love to be there and wish her a Happy Birthday in person, but things happen.  I have that special award that she gave me at the last SIG contest I attended and helped judge.
Title: Re: Hazel Sigs's Birthday Party
Post by: James Lee on March 03, 2017, 07:34:58 PM
'Gotta Hug Hazel' was always the thing to do at the Sig Contests...
Give Hazel a hug from all the Lee's.    😁😁

VSC got in the way, otherwise we would be there!!!!
Jim & Lila Lee
Title: Re: Hazel Sigs's Birthday Party
Post by: wwwarbird on March 03, 2017, 08:50:52 PM
 I'd love to make the trip, but it's just not going to work out this time.

 As a side note, if anyone is looking for a bite to eat in Montezuma (very few options there) we discovered a place when we were down for Mike's memorial service. I don't recall the name but it's a café on the next corner down (east) from the Memorial Hall and has some EXCELLENT barbeque, darn near worth the trip in itself.  

 Happy Birthday Hazel, hope you all have a great time!  H^^
Title: Re: Hazel Sigs's Birthday Party
Post by: Peter Grabenstein on March 03, 2017, 10:10:50 PM
give Hazel a BIG HUG from a happy customer and lucky Super Chipmunk Pilot, Germany.
I wish you Hazel , ALL THE BEST.

Title: Re: Hazel Sigs's Birthday Party
Post by: Dan McEntee on March 05, 2017, 09:10:09 PM
      Well, Mark Hughes and I made the trip today and had a great time. Just got back in the door. Hazel is an amazing lady! She's relegated to using an electric wheel chair, but she is a power house of energy for a 95 year old! She greeted people all afternoon as they came and went, and made the rounds  of all the tables at the hall. There was a nice coffee mug and a photo collage place mat for everyone to keep as a memento of the event. And hey Wayne! The restaurant next door catered the event! OUTSTANDING FOOD!
    Had a longtalk with Bob Nelson. He's working on a possibility of a one day fun fly on Saturday of Father's Day weekend for vintage control line of all kinds. Lots of details to work out but if I hear of any more news, I'll pass it on.
    I can't drive 300 miles, have fun for a few hours, then drive 300 miles back home like I used to! I'm pooped!
   Type at you later,
   Dan McEntee
Title: Re: Hazel Sigs's Birthday Party
Post by: john e. holliday on March 06, 2017, 08:16:10 AM
Are we getting old Grandpa?   Sure wish I could have been there as she is one fantastic lady. H^^
Title: Re: Hazel Sigs's Birthday Party
Post by: Fredvon4 on April 19, 2017, 11:03:58 AM
As I was searching and reading up on all things Sig MFG Twister -----I came across a 2014 thread that had a lot of jive about SigMfg  stuff being junk by one member -----and then a lot of defense on what exactly Sig offers and a lot of lament about discontinued stuff for control line

I know this is much too late of a thought...

 I wondered IF anyone--- at the Birth day party for Hazel ---had a chance to be shoulder to shoulder with any of Sig Mfg big wigs and put a bug in their ear that there are a few items we (Control line folks) would love to see resurrected such as the Primary Force ARF....

ON the other hand, I suppose I/we would have to have Randy S or John B to tell us what a minimum order is for a container load from China..... and see IF that many could actually be sold

While I know for sure at least 20~30 NEW Primary Force ARFs would fly off the shelf...I have no sense, if the min order is 200~500 ARFs, how many would sit around gathering dust

Just thinking out loud...