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Author Topic: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015  (Read 6347 times)

Offline Howard Rush

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Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« on: October 24, 2015, 03:14:38 PM »
Having noticed that the Salem, Oregon Fall Follies; the Houston F2B team trials; and the Madera, California Golden State Stunt Championships were on consecutive weekends, I decided to make a three-cornered trip.  The wife of the guy who builds my airplanes suggested that the Prius has insufficient luxury, gadgets, and room, so I set out to find a better machine, even though that involved reading automotive writing, the style of which I dislike, and interfacing with car salespeople, the style of whom I dislike.  After a little of both, I decided to stick with the Prius. 
The Jive Combat Team
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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 03:16:01 PM »
After a week of motor problems solved by Mike Haverly machining me and lending me stuff, I stuck Marilou, provisions for three weeks, a stunt plane, and much of my shop into the Prius and lit out.  First stop was Salem.  This has traditionally been the last Northwest contest of the year and a lot of fun.  Mike Hazel does the cooking, we enjoy the mild fall weather and fly a little stunt.  We got to the circle Saturday evening to find the gang assembling for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant.  I said I knew a better one not much farther away and demanded that we all go there.  The gang assented, to my embarrassment.  It was much more awful than I remembered and included meat from the same chicken we’d eaten part of last year. 

The Salem contest was fun, but a little breezy.  An ill wind grabbed Randy Powell’s new airplane, which he didn’t like anyhow, and slammed it to the ground.  I felt sorry for Chris Cox, because I made the Coxes go to the substandard restaurant, so I let him win.  You may remember a discussion here awhile back about judges’ notes on score sheets.  Judges at Salem simply yell their observations at you, even before your airplane has bounced to a stop.  It was humiliating. 
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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2015, 03:18:45 PM »
I had intended to set out for Houston as soon as I had flown, and I hurried people so I could, but I still was the last person to leave the field.  I drove along the scenic Columbia Gorge, then past the Lincoln statue in Wyoming that Brett finds so frightening.  I turned right at Cheyenne and arrived at Denver at rush hour.  Although Denver motorists are much more polite than those of Seattle, that experience set me sufficiently back that I had to drive from Trinidad, Colorado to Houston in one interesting day.  Texas is big, and no Interstate highway runs directly from the Panhandle to Houston.  They let you go 75 on most of the back roads, so I made pretty good time.  I tried to station another car about 100 yards ahead to intercept deer, but Texans are onto this trick, so we would do a little dance to see who would lead.  Texas road crews aren’t squeamish about fast traffic.  Some construction sites had 80 MPH speed limits and no sissy “fines double” signs.  Texas does have signs warning you whenever there is guardrail damage ahead.  I thought that was a little quirky, but I guess it’s good to know.  My GPS led me on a toll road around Houston.  There was no toll booth, but occasional flash photography.  I later learned that I had committed a crime by driving on that road without the required RFID sticker.  I turned myself in, but the authorities had no record of violation by the stealthy Prius. 

I went to the contest site Thursday to fly some stunt.  The Houston flying site is really nice and open, with two lovely concrete circles.  There is a swamp to the north with some low trees.  I have a combat plane in that swamp, a result of a flyaway at an F2D team trials long ago.  I was deterred from fetching it by reports of serpents infesting the swamp, to wit: cottonmouths, copperheads, rattlers, and coral snakes.  Locals also warned us of fire ants, an armadillo who lives under the sidewalk, and a “honey badger” who resides in one of the combat circles.  The latter, according to the infallable Wikipedia, is poppycock, but good training for F2B team members, who will be cautioned about drop bears at the 2016 world championships site.  The only vermin I saw at the team trials site were some ibis (a goose with a nose like a mosquito) and thousands of grackles, talkative birds who swarmed through the circle while I was flying stunt, but mostly sat under cars to keep cool.  I did see a black coyote in the hotel parking lot. 
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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2015, 03:21:38 PM »
Marilou had hitched a ride back to Bellevue from Salem to bring home the bacon: she didn’t have enough vacation for the whole Tour.  She flew in Thursday.  I went to the airport to get her, carefully avoiding toll roads.  Houston freeways are big and scary. 

It was hot in Houston.  Seeing Halloween decorations at 90 degrees Fehrenheit was weird. 

I flew some more stunt Friday, went to the ceremonial weigh-in and meeting, and did some more socializing.  The part of town we stayed in was very cosmopolitan with lots of cool restaurants.  We went with Orestes, Josias, and the Walkers to a Cuban place next to the hotel.  Some of the folks there were from Orestes’s home town.  He autographed the wall, and the staff took pictures.  It was a big deal. 

The team trials started Saturday.  The flavor of this contest was different from previous team trials.  It was a serious contest, seriously and well run, but it was also a big control line family gathering.  Lots of combat fliers from over the years were there: Bill Estill, Richard Stubblefield, Don Cranfill, Chris Hess, Howard Williams (whom the Texans call “Hard Weems”), Pat Willcox, and Riley Wooten himself.  I got to meet Gil Causey, Allan Perret, John Sunderland, Louis Keller, and others.  It was most enjoyable.

Doug Moon showed us some pictures of a tornado in Florida that Eric Viglione was sending him in real time from the scene.  We saw similar pictures—maybe Eric’s-- on television later.

We flew one flight on each circle, then broke for a huge lunch.  All the ladies baked goodies for the lunch, and I ate my share.  We then flew another flight on each of the circles.  The sum of the better of the flights from each circle determined the ten finalists to fly Sunday.  Despite atrocious square eights in both my circle-2 flights, I was invited to fly the next day.  Some of us went to dinner Saturday evening.  I demanded that we go to a Middle Eastern place I’d scouted out on the way to the airport Thursday.  It was OK. 

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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2015, 03:23:14 PM »
Sunday we got down to the nitty gritty.  We flew three flights on the same circle before all the judges, with the best two flights counting.  I flew some pretty good stunt for a couple of rounds.  On one flight my square eights were so good that I had visions of kangaroos.  Then it got thermally.  Wind averaged zero (a vector average), but blew in most any direction in a determined manner for a few minutes at a time.  Wind was dead when I went out for my third flight.  I told the judges to stay where they were and hoped some wind would blow from their direction.  A sprightly breeze came up 150 degrees from the intended direction.  I flew downwind and thought it was a shame that the judges couldn’t see how nicely I was doing the tricks.  As Mr. Walker was toting my plane off the circle, I asked him what one should do in such a case.  “Fly in front of the judges,” he said.  There’s no way I could have done that.  Shortly thereafter came the most amazing stunt flight I’ve ever seen.  The same Mr. Walker went to the circle, positioned the judges, and had the same wind shift that I had.  He put the maneuvers right in front of the judges, seemingly oblivious to the wind.  He did them well, too, and that flight got the highest score of the contest.  I was uncharacteristically speechless. 

We ate more food, socialized more, and congratulated the team.  It’s the same team that Rich Lopez and I led to the team championship in 2008 (,18067.0.html , reply #2), and that won again in 2012.  Chris Rud was fourth, flying a Werwage airplane two years older than its pilot.  Richard Oliver was fifth.  It was tough competition, and mighty fine stunt was flown. 

Speaking of Richard Oliver, when Dave Trible crashed his plane before the contest, Richard quickly provided him with a quality replacement.  These Texans are indeed hospitable. 
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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2015, 03:27:00 PM »
We went west at high speed after the contest.  We’d intended to roam around the Southwest for a week, but decided to high-tail it to LA to see the Lopez family and freeload at the Rudners’.  The Border Patrol stopped us in New Mexico, looked at us, and waved us on, which was disappointing in a way. 

I like New Mexican food.  In Las Cruces we got a recommendation for an authentic place from authentic locals and went for dinner.  We were asked the official question and gave the official coded answer (“Christmas”), so we expected to get the genuine article.  It was mighty tasty, but we realized about an hour after we left that the orders must have gotten mixed up.  What we got was chicken mole.  No, not the animals they race at Brodak’s.  It’s pronounced approximately “mow lay”. 
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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2015, 03:32:28 PM »
While we were in South California we visited Balboa Island, a nice place inhabited by people with more money than taste, a condition that I sorta envy.  They go all-out docorating for Halloween, and their method seems to be to go to a big-box Halloween store and buy everything there.  It was pretty cool.

I want to put a stop right now to the talk about me causing the mudslide that deterred the competition from getting to Madera from Los Angeles.  Yes, it was raining when we went over the Grapevine, but we stayed on the road and did absolutely nothing to destabilize the hillside.  We got to Madera early, and I practiced stunt Thursday and Friday.  Orestes had said that if he made the team, he would go to Madera, too.  He did, so he did.  Orestes got there earlier than we did, and the site wasn’t open yet.  He called Paul and asked him what to do.  “See Yosemite,” said Paul.  Orestes thought that Yosemite was a person who would let him in the gate.  When he found out what Paul meant, he went to the park for the day.  He liked it so much that he returned after the contest. 

I didn’t like the Madera restaurants we’d visited in previous years, so I demanded that the gang go to a different one.  That restaurant was about 50 degrees F inside.  I doubt if stunt people will seek my dining recommendations at future contests. 

The Golden State Stunt Championships is a great contest, the biggest of the three on the Tour.  It also features food and fellowship.  I ate my share of burgers and hot dogs at the field and got to visit with the Californians and the Arizona posse of ex-Californians.  It was windy Saturday.  Paul, Orestes, and Chris Cox flew all day.  I was a little timid, but I did put in a couple of flights and found the wind very smooth and agreeable to my airplane.  Saturday evening was the GSSC banquet with the traditional Address of the National Champion.  Brian Massey, the Swan brothers, and crew really know what they’re doing and put on a splendid show. 

Gordan Delaney and Roger Kramar brought really cool Kawasaki Tony stunters powered by four-strokes.  Gordan won the Concours for his, but had incurable engine trouble with it.  Gordan’s Apterix’s engine ran fine, and he won Classic.  Bob Whitely, who was recovering from a couple rounds of surgery, won Old Time.
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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2015, 03:36:00 PM »
I judged Intermediate Sunday.  Besides the usual twenty-somethings, I gave a 40 for a perfect landing and a 38 for a near-perfect overhead eight. 

Brett, David, and Paul had their usual shootout.  Brett flew first in the first round and got a 585.  Then Paul put up a 601.33.  David flew late in the round and got 598, then squeaked past Paul with a 603 in the second round.  Paul’s second-round flight was 1/3 point shy of David’s.  Paul went up to David and congratulated him.  He made the mistake of doing so in front of Brett, who was fueling up.  Thus motivated, Brett scored 603.33 to win.  It was a heck of a contest. 
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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2015, 03:37:01 PM »
Gordan gave me an airplane: a kind and generous act, but I had a mere Prius, already carrying Marilou, three weeks of dirty clothes, a stunt plane, and much of my shop.  I tried in vain to find somebody with sufficient car capacity to haul another full-size stunter north.  Marilou figured out how to fit the second airplane into the Prius.  No disassembly was required.  Props, spinners, and landing gear stayed on both airplanes.  We stopped by Harry and David’s on the way home and added our usual haul of fruit and English muffins.  There was plenty of room. 
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Offline Gerald Arana

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2015, 04:38:35 PM »
Great story Howard! I loved it.  y1

Hope to see you next year......


Offline Mike Keville

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2015, 05:40:47 PM »
I absolutely LOVE reading your stuff!
FORMER member, "Academy of Multi-rotors & ARFs".

Offline Dennis Adamisin

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2015, 06:42:13 PM »
Denny Adamisin
Fort Wayne, IN

As I've grown older, I've learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake!

Offline Doug Moon

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2015, 06:47:46 PM »
That's a great story!!
Doug Moon
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Offline Paul Walker

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2015, 07:00:24 PM »
Well Brett, I am sorry if that offended you. I was congratulating David for besting me. I think Brett had sufficient motivation to win resulting from his NW Regionals last flight.

Likewise, I too made a very similar trip. No Fall Follies for me though.  Did enjoy $1.90 gas in Texas though. I was also pleasantly surprised at how reasonable the gas was in California.  I believe the most expensive gas on the entire trip was in Washington.

Unlike Howard, the wife of the guy who builds my planes and I pigged out on "In n out" as often as we could. We don't have any of those in Washington. We also took a tour of the "Sriracha" manufacturing plant in Irwindale Ca. We smelled of that hot sause for the rest of the day.

Yes, it was a fun trip, long, but fun.

Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2015, 07:27:01 PM »
Unlike Howard, the wife of the guy who builds my planes and I pigged out on "In n out" as often as we could.

Au contraire.  Our first act upon entering the Golden State was to pig out at an In n Out.  I copy you in everything else, don't I?
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Online Brett Buck

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2015, 08:40:14 PM »
Well Brett, I am sorry if that offended you. I was congratulating David for besting me.

   Not at all - you know me, I am pretty laid back about it most of the time, and I figured it was probably going to turn out exactly as expected.

    But everything was set up pretty nicely for me, and I knew that I wasn't going to have any issues with the conditions. And I saw something similar happen a few years ago with David and I swapped, where people were congratulating me for most of the afternoon, with me pointing out that David still had to fly.  I did *hope* that I had what I needed and turned out I sneaked by. Then I waited for another half-hour before they posted Howard's score, since it was set up even better for him.


p.s. I was also just happy to not have succumbed to the germ warfare campaign this year!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 11:21:18 PM by Brett Buck »

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2015, 08:44:53 PM »
Orestes had said that if he made the team, he would go to Madera, too.  He did, so he did.  Orestes got there earlier than we did, and the site wasn’t open yet.  He called Paul and asked him what to do.  “See Yosemite,” said Paul.  Orestes thought that Yosemite was a person who would let him in the gate.  When he found out what Paul meant, he went to the park for the day. 

    THAT is an awesome story, and fits perfectly! Good to know that he's at least as crazy as the rest of us.

    Of course, you could have send him a little further up the road to either Napa or Woodland, then he could have gotten his flights in...


Offline Paul Walker

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2015, 09:10:56 PM »

    Of course, you could have send him a little further up the road to either Napa or Woodland, then he could have gotten his flights in...


Like he didn't get enough as it was. He claimed 25 Thursday, and something less Friday. He was even practicing Sunday after the first round.

As I was leaving, I stopped to say goodbye to him. He was flying. His comment was: I still have one more charged battery!

Geez, does he put in the flights.

Online Brett Buck

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2015, 09:54:55 PM »

Like he didn't get enough as it was. He claimed 25 Thursday, and something less Friday. He was even practicing Sunday after the first round.

As I was leaving, I stopped to say goodbye to him. He was flying. His comment was: I still have one more charged battery!

      An illustration of how obsessed one has to be to be competitive. Les McDonald told his experience, this story illustrates it, but I don't think you could ever explain it to "the normals". The insanity takes different forms but it seems to always be present.


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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2015, 10:40:28 AM »
A super fun read ya all. It is fun to hear from the top stunt flyers in the world and how they manage to eat at the wrong places. LL~ It is good to know however that you guys are much crazier than most. I am sure what they say is true that your stunt flying arm must be longer than the other. No matter where you eat.
Jim Kraft

Offline Steve Helmick

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2015, 03:59:47 PM »
Howard, did you get me that Confederate flag I wanted for Christmas?  ;) Steve
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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2015, 04:15:55 PM »
Howard another great story.  Now I know why I like the stunt family so much.
John E. "DOC" Holliday
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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2015, 07:54:29 PM »
Now you can go into hibernation for the next 6 months. Unless you lose your mind and go to VSC --- like me.
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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2015, 11:27:17 PM »
Funnier than Boswell.

Offline Tom Niebuhr

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2015, 02:03:31 PM »
The moral of this story is:

 If Howard demands a particular restaurant, hit him over the head and drag him to the place that everyone really wants to go to!!!!!!
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Offline Paul Walker

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2015, 03:16:28 PM »
The moral of this story is:

 If Howard demands a particular restaurant, hit him over the head and drag him to the place that everyone really wants to go to!!!!!!

Yes, except In-n-out.  If he suggests In-n-out, go there!
And don't forget the Blackbear Diner. Can't miss thst one...

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2015, 03:23:55 PM »
Yes, except In-n-out.  If he suggests In-n-out, go there!
And don't forget the Blackbear Diner. Can't miss thst one...

In the early 1950 tys we use to go to the Edgewood drive in theater and we always stopped at the very first In-N-out on Fransquito Blvd. in Baldwin park. They had the very best cooked while you wait made to order Hamburgers with grilled onions & toasted buttered buns. Over 50 years later I can still taste them! I use to stop there until 1973 when I moved I have never seen one sense.
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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2015, 03:29:50 PM »
Come down to Texas. We have them in the Dallas area now. Order a Double Double.. great.

Howard was bound to get one right.
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Online Brett Buck

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2015, 04:37:48 PM »
Yes, except In-n-out.  If he suggests In-n-out, go there!
And don't forget the Blackbear Diner. Can't miss thst one...

        Black Bear is one of my favorites, I first went to the Mother Ship (in Mt Shasta) shortly after it opened, on my way to the Regionals. Falls at just about noon on the trip. I haven't been all that enamored of In-n-Out - it's OK, definitely not McDonalds, but I wouldn't spend much effort to go by there. Interestingly the new Sunnyvale Black Bear is right across the street from In-n-Out.


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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2015, 05:18:02 PM »
Thank you Howie. Letting you know that landings do count before your plane has touch down......well that's on........DAVE  VD~ VD~ **)

Scott (never say anything) Riese  >:D
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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2015, 05:37:28 PM »
Thank you Howie. Letting you know that landings do count before your plane has touch down......well that's on........DAVE  VD~ VD~ **)

Scott (never say anything) Riese  >:D

The airplane landed right where you told me not to land.  It's Tim's fault.  The TUT determines where it lands. 

How were the triangles this year?  Last year you hollered about the triangles.

Howard (flying electric so I can hear the judges) Rush 
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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2015, 05:47:56 PM »
The airplane landed right where you told me not to land.  It's Tim's fault.  The TUT determines where it lands. 

What, you weren't looking at the twinkie-lights?
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The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

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Re: Grand Tour of Stunt 2015
« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2015, 05:50:24 PM »
Gordan gave me an airplane: a kind and generous act, but I had a mere Prius, already carrying Marilou, three weeks of dirty clothes, a stunt plane, and much of my shop.  I tried in vain to find somebody with sufficient car capacity to haul another full-size stunter north.  Marilou figured out how to fit the second airplane into the Prius.  No disassembly was required.  Props, spinners, and landing gear stayed on both airplanes.  We stopped by Harry and David’s on the way home and added our usual haul of fruit and English muffins.  There was plenty of room. 

Howard, you should rename that thing the TARDIS since it seems to be bigger on the inside...

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