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Contest Season approaches!

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Bill Little:
What do y'all have "new" for this contest season (or just plain "new" to fly)??
Me..... nothing so far, but that will change soon!   ;)   ;D

Joey Mathison 9806:
never have entered a stunt contest but have some new stunters to try out nobler and flightstreak.have a few 1/2a planes also stuntman 23 baby clown and one i made up from scrap balsa laying around.

Marvin Denny:
 Nothing new.  The past two years have drained me as for building.  I have only recently got back to working on my Novi IV (started it TWO years ago) so I will probably start off the year with the old one (4 years old) and hope I get the new one done before the year is out.


Willis Swindell:
Joey- 205
You will do fine on the level laps.
 ::) ::)

Joey Mathison 9806:
yes willis the jet does do 205 mph at 6" off the ground there is no prop to break.could you let tater tot know this new no politics site is perty cool.


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