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Author Topic: Big Jim markings.  (Read 1480 times)

Offline Perry Rose

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Big Jim markings.
« on: May 13, 2024, 06:47:08 AM »
Did Big Jim mark the engines he reworked? I have a .46LA with "L J" and some numbers vibra tooled lightly into the crankcase. If it was reworked by Big Jim how should I run it?
I may be wrong but I doubt it.
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Online Dan McEntee

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Re: Big Jim markings.
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2024, 09:06:01 AM »
Did Big Jim mark the engines he reworked? I have a .46LA with "L J" and some numbers vibra tooled lightly into the crankcase. If it was reworked by Big Jim how should I run it?

    I think I only ever had one engine by Big Jim, a ST.60 with the "LJ" markings and was told that stood for "Large James." It's a chore to dig it out to see if I still have it or not. It's still a ringed engine, so fuel in the 5% to 10% nitro range with at least 25% total oil and most of it castor to start with until you can see how it runs and handles. A hot plug like the Thunderbolt or Glow Devil R/C longs if you can find some. Run it on a bench with no muffler an 11-4 prop just to get it started for the first time and get familiar with it. If it's new or very low time you may see some dark residue come out, just don't run it in too high and RPM mode at first. A high four stroke bouncing back and forth and occasionally breaking into a two stroke to clear things out. You can search the forums for flying prop recommendations. I think most used diameters ranging from 11.5" to 12" and 5" to 6". It depends on the model size and weight, so fly some different ones to see which works better for you. Some one suggested to me when I put a ST.46 in a SIG Chipmunk years ago that the best prop was a 12-6 Rev-Up cut down to 11.5" or 11.75". Definitely a 4-2-4 break engine. If you have a light weight tube muffler like a Scott Dinger or Randy Smith CNC muffler, those will give you a nice sound and some good power. It's a classic engine, overshadowed by todays newer engines. Keep and eye on what Brian Gardner is producing and if he calls for taking orders for his ABC sets for these, get in line for a set and once installed and broke in you might be set for life with that engine!!   Have fun!!
  Type at you later,
   Dan McEntee
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Offline kevin king

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Re: Big Jim markings.
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2024, 10:13:13 AM »
ST 46 is one of the sweetest sounding engines out there.

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Re: Big Jim markings.
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2024, 03:42:14 PM »
You would run it like any other LA46. There's not much you can do to one to make it a better stunt engine so, it's probably factory stock for the most part. Wasn't Big Jim famous for reducing compression ratio? I'd check to see how many head shims are in it and cut it back to one if you want any power out of it.

MM 8)
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Re: Big Jim markings.
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2024, 11:32:31 PM »
The HEAD is usually a ' HEMI '. which is wothe early dual ring ones was .But ive a pair of WEDGE ST .46 heads wotappear to predate the Hemi . ( which has around a 1/16 th inch squish band , on a .60 )

12 x 5 Zingers on my .46 . tho run it on a 12 x 6 nylon Tornado , which sucks the juice , as it does on a ST 21- 40 .
Mr Greenaway , parently liked BURNING the juice , to COOL IT . 7 ounces on some Urtnowski ships . Definately if you try 15 % nitro . Tho we're on about the .46 , but fuel is fuel & S Tigres are S Tigres ! .
Picture I saw on a Big Jim .46 had a .285 intake . This'd get the POWER iin a 4 stroke , with gentle / break to 2 stroke .

Urtnowski onna tape goes onabout Toob muflas . Blathering about 1/2 Vs. 3/8 exit outlet bore . But I think theyre 8 & 10 bore . Maybe . ( said ya wanted 1/2 onna da .60 )
Why , just the utha day , I ran the little ( short finned )  Big art muffler on a T Tiger .46 , AND the Bigger '.60 ' Big Art muffller .
The Big unfinned one was steadier , quiter And More powerfull . tried a  reworked thinned 13 x 5 Zinger wood prop cut to 12 īnch . So is a Wide blade . Insteada the aforesaid 12 x 6 Tornado . which Works .

Tho we're on about the .46 Super Tigre .

A 12 x 6 Tornado will tell you something . IF the injuns well runin . Or it'll overheat .

Running In ?? ( assume it is ) , BUT : Fire it on a prime a few times .
fuel and a few 5 second runs , the 10 , 20 , 30 . Cool between . As we DONT WANT METAL TO METAL . tho THATS why yer gotta Big Jeem injun , Mate . It wont 'pick up 'as its ' fitted ' right .
Then a few for a minute . A few for 3 minute . A few at 5 , a few at ten . cording to Mr Lay , once the ring is polished halfway down , you can fly it . Till its fully 'shiny 'THEN its ready for WORK .

Tom Lays Run In instructions are findable on search S Tigre 60 run in , or sumsuch .

Enya Free plug , myone likes ( Std. 80s 46 S T ) Lightly snded and lacquered T F 12 x 5  wood . Last Night was thinking the .210 in its a bit big for a steady run . ( Unless its reving ) so thought Id TRY .185
Which IS a .285 with a 4 mm spraybar equivilant " Tru Venturie ''.

Like I said , He wanted a bit of fuel through it , to COOL IT . So it used some . I think the Big - Big Art mufflers part of THAT ( Hemi ) set up , for a deep steady 4 stroke ,   with 'a bit 'of two stroke , up the top .
Pretty Much .
Try a 11 x 6 . Ive got a big klunky thick Ex 12 x 6 Wood -> now at 11 , might be narrowed some . but is stronger than yer thinned low load thinned wood prop . 12 x 5 T F wood are good stock , but breakable .
Thinner'n that and ya canot touch the deck or theyll shatter .

the SIXTY ( 4 window p.d.p. Stock , Goes way gruntier on 15 % Nitro than ten . Swings the 12 x 6 master three blade o.k. on that . SO ya coukld lookat Master 3 blade 11 x 5 , 5 , or 10 x 6 perhaps . DONT
carry the PLANE by a PROP BLADE . They shake apart when a blade or two departs . real quick . so LOOK AFTER your PROPS .

Note : The PROP isnt the SAME in the two photos . Earlyer one , muffler bolt via. Ex Baffle plate thread in center . Think its gotta 3/4 shaft extn . BUt , theres your .46 Super Tigre .

Or is he impaled on a blade ? The periferal Std intake , the talk was , in the antipodes , in the 70's , Run Muffler Pressure or it wont run steady . Air goes in the little holes as the fuel dithers , on sucktion .

Offline Air Ministry

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Re: Big Jim markings.
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2024, 11:44:34 PM »

Theres a bit of insite , in some things , to be gathered , there . Tourque & Horse Power are not the same thing , indeed .

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