Vendors Corner > Okie Air Model Products

Hey Russell! Are you Alive?

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Clint Ormosen:
I was looking to make an order, but given these comments I think I’ll hold off. Anyplace else to order these products?

john e. holliday:
Clint, what are you looking for? D>K

Clint Ormosen:

--- Quote from: john e. holliday on March 29, 2023, 11:14:33 AM ---Clint, what are you looking for? D>K

--- End quote ---

 Nothing super important. I was going to stock up on a few bellcranks, horns, ball links, etc. 

john e. holliday:
Remember we still have RSM Dist., Brodak and MBS Model supply has some bell cranks and other stuff. D>K

Clint Ormosen:
Still no word about these orders?


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