Nostalgia 30 > Nostalgia 30
Some listing from Model Aviation
Ty Marcucci:
Here too I am missing some issues, but believe the ones I have all have plans or pertinent info on CLPA. If you find a missing one with the plans, please post it here. Thanks.
Now then, from what I have gathered over the many years reading this mag, they don't publish CLPA plans every issue, but may have CLPA info. Wynn Paul was the editor of the CL aerobatics section. He often had photos of three or four planes. I will list these as "photos" and give what info was given in the article. Many of these planes and people I have never heard of, so if you have Accurate info about their plane(s) please post it. Especially if you are the one in the photo!!
Model Aviation
Jul 76; Cardinal Sinner; Clarence Haught; .35; I-beam
Sep 76: Tercel; Keith Trostle; .049/.051; 1/2A stunter.
Oct 76; Photo; Joe Reinhard's "Snoopy"; OS .35; 54.5 ws; 40 oz;
Nov 76; Photo; Bob Whitely's "Lil Miss Kell"; 1/2A stunter version of his big "Miss Kell". Bill Werwage's Perroquet"; Randy Scott's "AkroShark"; Profile Akro with Shark Wing; Gene Schaffers "Hallmark"; John Burn's "Mile M-20 Mk II; SS;OS.40; Pierre Morel's "L'Oiseau" (The Bird).
Dec 76; Fokker D-23; Dick Sarpolus; .35; SS; Twin engine; push pull; twin boom; trike gear
In this issue, Wynn Paul talks with Bob Gieseke about the mods he did to the various Noblers. Very interesting. It was continued in the Jan 77 issue.
Feb 77; PBA Special; Frank Scott; .19; special trainer with 3 interchangeble wings. From Primary flight to Advanced flight (not Advanced PAMPA). Flat bottom wing to a full symetrical wing for stunts.
Mar 77; PBA Special; Frank Scott; article above continued.
Apr 77; Chipmonk 9; Peter Tindal; .40; I -beam; SS; British design.
This issue also has a photo of 2/3 size Nobler for 1/2A stunt called "underdog" by Danny Daniel.
Jul 77; STILETTO 660; Les McDonald; ST .46. World and Nats champ
Aug 77; Photos; Andy Lee's "Toucan"; 35; 54"ws; 46 oz; 3/4" anhedral in main wing!! Photo of Jim Armour's
"Sig Twister" with built up fuselage ;up front, profile from TE aft, OS .35
Sep 77; Photo of Ted Fanchers "Spyder"; ST.46; 63"ws; 57oz; ;; Dennis Duval's "Dargette"; ST.46; 54"ws; 53 oz.
Nov 77; 77 Nats issue. Photos of Karl Hiel's "Miss Poppy";;Ted Fancher's "Citation"; David Marshall's "Lucky Bipe"
Veco.29; 680 Sq"; flies clockwise
Dec 77; Photos; Mark Bauer's "Das Kraut" (ugly stick CLPA version); Paul Walker's :Omega:; Doug Brown's
Jan 78; "Together IV" ; Steve Johnson: ST.46; 700 Sq". Photos of Bob Barons "Avanti". St.46;; Alfonso Rodile's
"Terpsicore"(dancer); ST.46; 6989 Sq".
Feb 78; Photo of Tom Dixon's "Stillares".; 57"ws; 58oz.
Mar 78; "A Better Mustang" P51-D; Al Meyers; ST.40; 54"ws; evolved fro his building Al Rabes planes; Split baseball
bat used to make forms. Very Scale appearance.
Apr 78; Photo: Bob Galle's "Namit" based on Scarinzi's "U-Name-it" (Trident)
May 78; Photo; Jim Colls "Shoreman" OS .35
Jun 78; "Spitfire MKII"; Roger Green; Profile; .35; also used by S.L.O.W. Club for slow combat: Photos Dennis
Adamison's "Rabbit"; Chuck Delane's "Odyssey".
Jul 78; Photos; Elwood Bell's "Celtic IV"
Aug 78; Photos; Dan Shafer's "Double Exposure"; HP .40-.60::; Phil Castelli's "Messerschmitt";Veco .35
Sep 78; Photo: OTS "Go Devil Sr" By Bob Palmer with FULL length flaps, in the typical for Bob in that era paint
scheme; All orange with black trim and red stripes not unlike the first Chief, which evolved from the Go Devil
Nov 78; Nats report; Photos; Glen Meador's "Eagle". ST.46; foam; Bob Whitely's "Derringer"; ST.46 (won Walker
cup that year);;Paula Bauer's prototype Top Flite "Tutor" which is advbertised as based on the Gieseke
Nobler.;; Ron Harding's very scale P-40 War Hawk(concour's winner); Dave Fitzgerald's Sig "Super
Chipmunk" with which he won the Jr, SR events 76,77,78 Nats. OS .35.
Jan 79; Photos: Gary McClellan's "Alania" ; ST .46; Bob Baron's "Apex"; ST.46;
Feb 79; Photos; Ray Ogle's F4U Corsair' Enya .45; Ray is from Australia
July 79: Photos; John Poynter's "Half Breed II"; St.46; 56 oz.;;Tom Hartvigsen's "Classic" (and it is); Fox.35; 56"ws;
568 Sq"; 47.5 oz.
Aug 79: "Pluto" Dave Horvath; profile; sport stunt; .35;; Photo; Larry Kruse's "Cessna Ag Wagon"; Fox .35; 502 Sq"
Sep 79; "Imitation" ;Ted Fancher; Profile; Lots of good stuff in the article, continued following month.. Photos;
Rolland McDonald's "Phase 40"; HP .40' 57"ws' I-Beam' 52 oz. Larry Robertson's "Revolution". ST.46;
58.75"ws; 690 Sq" ;56oz. Very similar rear treatment ala "Chizler"
Oct 79; More "Imitation"; plans, building, etc. Photos; Dennis Harkal's "Uranus", ST.46; 56"ws; I-Beam; 41oz.
Article on the Top Flite "Tutor".
Nov 79: Nats Photos: Arlie Presler's "Citation II"; I-beam;
Dec 79; Photos; Larry Lauer's "Ole Red"; OS .40 FSR
For 2010
Feb 80; Photos; Richard Byron's 1/2A stunter based on Northrops F-5. Cox .049; 27"ws; 16oz
May 80; 'Lucky 14"; Piotr Zawada; Polish stunter; Fox .40; 700 Sq "; 50 oz.;; Frank McMillans. "Impulse". OS.40; foam;; Neal Thompson's "Plus 20" a 20% enlarged "Nobler";St.46; foam
Jul 80; "Beechcraft D-17-S" Clarence Haught; Profile; Bipe; McCoy .40; 50"ws; 800 Sq"; 45oz.
Photos; Kevin Capitanelli's "Condor"; OS .40 FSR;60"ws; foam;2nd CLPA at 79 Nats.
Arlie Pressler's Naked "Citation" interesting structure.
Aug 80; Photos: Gene Martine's "Mariner"; OS.40FSR; Photo: Walt Brownell's modified Gieseke Nobler. Hardly looks
like one.
Oct 80; Photos;Ed Robbert of Lexington, KY with originalfoam wing stunter; no name given; OS.40 FSR and Randy
Hancock of Midway, KY with a foam wing original also, no name of plane given; ST.46. Paul
Walker's "Seahawk" nose only. Any other photos know of this one?? Wynn Paul talks about his 77-
79 "Pampa Wagon", also no photos here.
Nov 80; 1980 World Champs photos. Luciano Comostello's "Tango" ST.46; recovered 16 years old!! Takashi
Hara's "Hurricane" (modified Gieseke Nobler); Wu Dazhong's model; name is in Chinese script; Enya .45; has
very unique wing tips. Bill Werwages new version of his "USA-1"; OS .40 FSR (original engine failed); I-
beam; 700 Sq "; 58oz... Oozef Gabri's "Super Master"; HP.40; 56"ws;
Dec 80; Photos; Nats; Gunar Dombrovski's Twin tail stunter; no name given, nice finish; OS .35; 54"ws,. 49.17 oz
"T.C.Two"; Dick Sarpolus; Twin engine (2-OS.20's);profile; 53"ws.
That's all guys. Next will be MAN D>KH^^
I added the photos because many times there are no plans avail and these might help for proof it existed in the given time frame. Jump in with photos or info anytime. H^^ y1 y1
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