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N-30 Vector

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Don Jenkins:

--- Quote from: Steve Fitton on June 24, 2020, 12:09:21 PM ---UGH! Sorry about the primer!  That is a raw deal.  At least with e power there is no fuel to attack a weakened bond-so if it doesn't blow right off all is good.  I'm rubbing out a new Staris right now.  Many hours of sanding clear!

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Yep a real bummer, but it flies quite well.  I have a modified Dreadnought with a PA .75 almost done.  It's cleared and polished, I just need to glue the flaps and elevators on,  and break in the engine before I install it.  This one was glass cloth, Klass Kote epoxy and one coat of Nason 2 part auto clear.  As long as I keep it out of the pavement the finish is darn near bullet proof!


Ken Culbertson:

--- Quote from: Don Jenkins on June 25, 2020, 07:04:14 AM ---I dialed in the gain to 4 and it now has real good line tension up top. However it actually turns too quick and too tight with a slight hunting in level flight, so a bit of nose weight has been added for the next time out.  Attached is the Cobra information.


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Great - I was concerned that you had one of the higher kv versions.  You have the best one.  Don't forget that batteries are nose weight.  You can move them or get a bigger one.  I know that the nose is probably a bit tight but I have seen a ThunderPower 6s fit in a Vector 40 and the gain and draw from a 6s is better than the 5s.  Do that only if you need weight though.  Evan a large 4s will power it (I am pretty sure the 35xx series is a 4,5,6s)  or a 3200 5s.  Head room on the battery is a must and if you have to add weight then why not make it useful.  I still don't know why electrics fly better nose heavy, they just do.

One thing electric has in common with IC is how much "fuel" it uses when the air conditions change.  What is different is that electric gives you the same run, it just uses more battery to do it. 



--- Quote from: Don Jenkins on June 14, 2020, 05:07:02 AM ---I just finished a full size N-30 Vector, which is my first electric plane.  The only thing left is to program the electronics, but I'm still waiting on the arrival of a battery charger.  This is also the first plane I have completed in over two years.  I had a few other things to resolve in my life, but now I'm back to building!  Can't wait to fly this one!


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Don  it  looks  GREAT,  very good  craftsmanship as  usual
Do not  worry  it is  N30 legal   and  the side  area  is  exactly   what it  should be, This  was  a plane  designed  for an  HP 40,  or  ST46,   The plane  has flown  at many NATs  and  Other countries  NATs  and  at the  World Championships, It flies  great  as  it was  designed, try to keep it under  60 ounces

Let us know  how  you like it, again  all your  stuff  is  very nicely done


Don Jenkins:
Thanks Randy.  After 20 flights or so I've got it dialed in pretty good.  Once my back heals up I'm going to get some handle time!



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