Nostalgia 30 > Nostalgia 30

Lets see some Nostalgia 30's

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Steve Schlesser:
    Here are a few more. 4 - 35 size and 1 - 660 Stiletto.


Monty Summach:
Okay - here is my attempt at a replica of Gene Schaffer's Stunt Machine - Flying Models December 71. Power is a Magnum 36. It has not flown too much, but I am waiting for the day that there is a class to fly it in.

Les McDonald:
You are truly a gifted builder, that Stunt Machine is gorgeous.
Did I spot water droplets beading off that well polished finish?

                                                           Les McDonald

Monty Summach:
Thanks Les - I consider that a huge compliment - and yes there was a light rain falling.


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