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Author Topic: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson  (Read 35218 times)

Offline Airacobra

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Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« on: December 22, 2022, 04:43:24 PM »
For those of you who saw it fly, can you give us a report as to what your thoughts were on the plane. It is a super cool stunter!
Keith Bryant

Offline Dan McEntee

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2022, 10:25:29 PM »
For those of you who saw it fly, can you give us a report as to what your thoughts were on the plane. It is a super cool stunter!

   Didn't see it fly, but there is an extensive write up on it in Model Aviation. I don't remember the year, but would make a good read on a winter day.
  Type at you later,
  Dan McEntee
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Offline Dave Hull

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2022, 01:46:54 AM »
Model Aviation, June 1988.

I recall working as a pull tester at a SoCal contest years ago. A guy had what looked like one of these. It seemed huge and it wasn't that light. I worried about the pull. The contestant's remark has stayed with me--"Don't worry about the pull, it'll take it!"

I have tried to mount controls in such a way that instills this same confidence.


Offline Trostle

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2022, 08:58:04 AM »
For those of you who saw it fly, can you give us a report as to what your thoughts were on the plane. It is a super cool stunter!

Bob Whitely flew one, finished the same way as Adkisson.  I remember that it was not light, it does not build light.  Bob campaigned with that airplane for several years, I think he flew it at least at one Nationals and placed well with it.  (Bob always placed well at the Nats.  He won in '78.)  I have seen Adkisson's model fly.  I have seen Whitely's model fly.  These models flew very well, had as good a corner as anything flying at that time.   They were impressive in the air.  This is not a small airplane.  That color scheme was impressive, both on the ground and in the air.


Offline Airacobra

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2022, 02:40:42 PM »
I have considered building one and I have read the article in the Model Aviation mag. I think it was June of 88. I just wanted some impressions from guys who have consistently been at the Nats and seen a multitude of varying designs fly. 
Keith Bryant

Offline Dan McEntee

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2022, 06:47:27 PM »
Bob Whitely flew one, finished the same way as Adkisson.  I remember that it was not light, it does not build light.  Bob campaigned with that airplane for several years, I think he flew it at least at one Nationals and placed well with it.  (Bob always placed well at the Nats.  He won in '78.)  I have seen Adkisson's model fly.  I have seen Whitely's model fly.  These models flew very well, had as good a corner as anything flying at that time.   They were impressive in the air.  This is not a small airplane.  That color scheme was impressive, both on the ground and in the air.


     I was thinking that Whitely's "Showtime" Lazer was the same airplane but not really sure. He flew that at the '91 NATS at Lawrenceville, I believe. Are we thinking of the same model?
    Dan McEntee
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Offline Tim Just

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2022, 09:05:33 AM »
Watching Loudenslager fly the original had a very profound effect on the direction of my adult life.  His seven national champions was thought by all to be unbeatable. That was until the now one time Fox 15 hurl and eleven time nation champion Rob Holland showed up.   

Ted Fancher wrote the introduction to the Model Aviation article.  I would love to hear his thoughts on this model.


Offline Trostle

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2022, 09:56:16 AM »
     I was thinking that Whitely's "Showtime" Lazer was the same airplane but not really sure. He flew that at the '91 NATS at Lawrenceville, I believe. Are we thinking of the same model?
    Dan McEntee


Thanks for looking up the record on Bob Whitely.  I checked Stunt News.  Bob placed 6th at the 91 Nats but no record of what was flown and no pictures of Bob.  He also placed 4th at the 92 Nats and there is a not so good photo of the top 5 with their airplanes.  Using a magnifying glass, it looks like Bob is holding his Bud Light.  He was one of the really good pilots over a long span of years.   I think his Bud Light was one of his best models.


Offline wwwarbird

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2022, 10:57:59 PM »
 Not to change the subject, but how about Dan Banjock's turbo "Raven"? When I first saw it it reminded me of Whitely's old Bud Light plane but in a much more user friendly size.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2022, 08:51:02 PM by wwwarbird »
Narrowly averting disaster since 1964! 

Wayne Willey
Albert Lea, MN U.S.A. IC C/L Aircraft Modeler, Ex AMA member

Offline Dan McEntee

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2022, 11:54:40 AM »

Thanks for looking up the record on Bob Whitely.  I checked Stunt News.  Bob placed 6th at the 91 Nats but no record of what was flown and no pictures of Bob.  He also placed 4th at the 92 Nats and there is a not so good photo of the top 5 with their airplanes.  Using a magnifying glass, it looks like Bob is holding his Bud Light.  He was one of the really good pilots over a long span of years.   I think his Bud Light was one of his best models.


    I need to pull out my pictures from the '91 NATS and review. Andy Lee has posted a bunch of photo from the '91 and '93 NATS at Lawrenceville on facebook, and one was of Whitley's  "Showtime" Laser, and it's multicolored and nice model. So he had a "red "Bud Light Laser also??  I am not familiar with that one. I hope I took pics of the Show time model at the time!!!!

   Dan McEntee
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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2022, 12:02:42 PM »
Not to change the subject, but how about Dan Banjock's turbo "Raven"? When I first saw it it reminded me of Whitely's old But Light plane but in a much more user friendly size.

   I think Banjock is on his second Turbo Raven. I think the first was PA.75 powered, and met an early demise, but I thought I saw some where that he replaced it with a new one. Do  not know the particulars on the model.

  I got to see one of the last shows that the full size Raven flew at Reno in 1999. To say it was impressive is a gross understatement! I think the following weekend is when he broke a prop drive shaft(?) and pancaked the airplane. Video is on YouTube I think. I was surprised he survived it but is about 2 inches shorter in height as a result of the back injuries he suffered!!

  Dan McEntee
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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2022, 02:45:39 PM »
I think this is one of the pictures Dan. Cool airplane all the way around.
Keith Bryant

Offline wwwarbird

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2022, 08:55:42 PM »
    I need to pull out my pictures from the '91 NATS and review. Andy Lee has posted a bunch of photo from the '91 and '93 NATS at Lawrenceville on facebook, and one was of Whitley's  "Showtime" Laser, and it's multicolored and nice model. So he had a "red "Bud Light Laser also??

 Hmm, I guess I'm not totally sure. I just remember seeing pictures of the Bud Light one and have always thought it was Whitely's. I don't remember ever seeing the Showtime version.
Narrowly averting disaster since 1964! 

Wayne Willey
Albert Lea, MN U.S.A. IC C/L Aircraft Modeler, Ex AMA member

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2022, 02:26:04 PM »
I believe that Gid was the only one that painted his to resemble the Bud Light Laser, Mr. Whiteley  did his to represent as the picture above shows. There may have been others to have built and flown them, but none that I have ever seen to the level of the 2 represented here in this post. If others have built the model, please post a photo and comment on it.
Keith Bryant

Offline Jim Hoffman

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2022, 03:25:44 PM »
The photo in Aircobras reply #11 is absolutely the model built and flown by Bob Whitely.  It was a Nats concurs winner and currently resides w/ Chris McMillan.  Gid’s was painted (or monokoted) in the scale red Bud Lite colors.

I saw both Bob’s and Gid’s fly.  I concur w/ Keith Trostle that they flew as well as anything of that era.  Both were powered by ST-60’s I recall.

Offline Steve Helmick

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2022, 03:29:48 PM »
Bigger newer stunt engines would make a huge improvement. PA .75 or RO-Jett .76, at least...or scale it down. y1 Steve
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Offline fred cesquim

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2023, 07:03:11 AM »
I think this is one of the pictures Dan. Cool airplane all the way around.
what a beauty!
any published the plans?
just found this one, but not the same for sure

Offline Dan McEntee

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2023, 09:30:58 AM »
what a beauty!
any published the plans?
just found this one, but not the same for sure

   The Gid Adkisson model was published in Model Aviation Magazine, I'm pretty sure, and plans are available from them. The plan you posted looks like it says Model Builder, but I'm not familiar with that one and would have to look that up. The AMA has the Model Builder plans list now, so you could get both from the one source.
    Type at you later,
     Dan McEntee
AMA 28784
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Offline Trostle

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2023, 08:47:20 AM »
what a beauty!
any published the plans?

Gid Adkisson's Bud Light Laser was published in the June 1988 issue of Model Aviation.  These plans are available from the AMA plans service.

In the article, Ted Fancher wrote the introduction:  ".....If you've followed the Nats results for the last couple of years, you'r most likely familiar with the big, red Bud Light Special Laser as flown by Bob Whitely to a 'skin of his teeth' second-place finish in 1986 and a very strong seventh in the monster winds of Lincoln in 1987.  This is clearly a semiscale stunter which can really fly the pattern. ... Take it from a guy who's been whipped by Gid and his Laser ... this is a good one!"


Offline Walter Hicks

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2023, 07:03:39 PM »
I Just saw this post, sorry for the late reply. I have seen all of Gid Adkisson Laser designs fly. The First one was Monokote and was the lightest of them
all. the rest were painted . Most weighed close to 80 ounces ( this is for real) Gid used a Tom Lay ST .60 with15% Nitro . He also had to use a thinned out Top Flite 14x6 prop as the plane would not fly well without it!!!!. He flew it on solid lines that would shine when they hit the sun. Some of his were
take apart. Gid knew how to make them fly very well. It was a 740 sq inch wing and had a long tail moment and a flat low aspect rain stab with functional guide wires. The stab/elevator, rudder and fin were built up and flimsy and had to have the guide wires for strength.

With the help of Gid (who lived 20 miles from me at the time) I built and flew the Laser 200 in early 2000s . Mine had a Saito 72 and was very heavy
over 80 0unces. It was awesome to fly though not fun in any kind of wind. Gid flew it and commented that if he had that kind of power he could have won the nats. I am tech challenged and will try to post a picture of my plane . VERY Good airplane and can be built lighter . I have a foam wing set by Bob Hunt that is super light and will use Monokote as much as I can to save wight when I finish this plane ( hopefully soon).

The Picture is my Laser with the designer Gid Adkisson launching it. Gid was a great guy , excellent person I miss him in the hobby.

2nd picture is my airplane when it was new .

Offline Walter Hicks

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2023, 07:40:12 PM »
More on the LASER- The fuse was built like a stick free light model in the rear with the exception of a molded rear top block. However when you got it all together it was very rigid. The front end had a lot of weight in the original design( it was 6" wide at the front of the Cowl" Some of Gid's planes were a foam wing and some were built up. The plans have some issues that need to be clarified which thankfully Gid helped me with. I would use the original
design that Gid had in Model Aviation plans . I had some plans redrawn to supposedly save weight and they are not nearly as good as the original and did not save weight. Built it as per Gid's plans . This plane has an excellent corner even at the weight. I would hands down recommend anyone build this
keeping in mind that you want to keep it as light as possible. I will use a RO Jett 67 RE in my new one and build the front end lighter( using the original plans ) I will Monokote the wings stab/elevator to save weight . Paint the fuse . Bob Hunt cut and sheeted a foam wing set for me that was way lighter
than my original . The flaps are a bit hard to make ( see plans ). Do not worry about the Stab/elevator / Rudder being flimsy. When you put the guide wires on per Gid's instructions they are rigid enough. The fuse is not easy to make , ( see  Model Aviation article) it shows the fuse sides before they
are put in a jig and the cross members are put in. The fuse formers are a pain to make as they have lots of stringer cut outs that need to be made
accurately. The front end takes some doing to mold the sheeting around the formers. All the work is well worth it for sure . My building and painting skills were not where they are now so I think my next one will be way better. Even if you finish at 80 ounces it will fly well as it has a big wing 63" and
740 squares . I used vinyl for my letters, stars etc and that in itself was heavy I will have stencils made and paint them on this time.
Windy Urtnowski has video of him flying at the Nats , not sure which one but it is worth the research to see it. If anyone is interested I have plans and
the article in Model Aviation and also templates for the formers etc.

Offline fred cesquim

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2023, 10:05:53 AM »
More on the LASER- The fuse was built like a stick free light model in the rear with the exception of a molded rear top block. However when you got it all together it was very rigid. The front end had a lot of weight in the original design( it was 6" wide at the front of the Cowl" Some of Gid's planes were a foam wing and some were built up. The plans have some issues that need to be clarified which thankfully Gid helped me with. I would use the original
design that Gid had in Model Aviation plans . I had some plans redrawn to supposedly save weight and they are not nearly as good as the original and did not save weight. Built it as per Gid's plans . This plane has an excellent corner even at the weight. I would hands down recommend anyone build this
keeping in mind that you want to keep it as light as possible. I will use a RO Jett 67 RE in my new one and build the front end lighter( using the original plans ) I will Monokote the wings stab/elevator to save weight . Paint the fuse . Bob Hunt cut and sheeted a foam wing set for me that was way lighter
than my original . The flaps are a bit hard to make ( see plans ). Do not worry about the Stab/elevator / Rudder being flimsy. When you put the guide wires on per Gid's instructions they are rigid enough. The fuse is not easy to make , ( see  Model Aviation article) it shows the fuse sides before they
are put in a jig and the cross members are put in. The fuse formers are a pain to make as they have lots of stringer cut outs that need to be made
accurately. The front end takes some doing to mold the sheeting around the formers. All the work is well worth it for sure . My building and painting skills were not where they are now so I think my next one will be way better. Even if you finish at 80 ounces it will fly well as it has a big wing 63" and
740 squares . I used vinyl for my letters, stars etc and that in itself was heavy I will have stencils made and paint them on this time.
Windy Urtnowski has video of him flying at the Nats , not sure which one but it is worth the research to see it. If anyone is interested I have plans and
the article in Model Aviation and also templates for the formers etc.

would be nice to see the plans and templates, maybe raise interest on some of the builders here

Offline Walter Hicks

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Re: Bud Light stunter by Gid Adkisson
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2023, 12:05:08 AM »
Fred, I am very Tech challenged and don't have the ability to post pictures. AMA sells the plans , I have the plywood templates I make for the parts.
The AMA article does a good job of pictures of all of the parts .
