Anyone ever tried a Rubber Powered Control Line Ship ? Tried a few stunts with it ?
Would it be possable now with some electric limiter / goveoner , somewhat like Igors ' G ' thingo ,
to get a big grunty rubber band motor to ' tick over ' for 6 1/2 minutes , maybe coasting downhill .
Some huge ultra light models what Id have thought , maybe a C F ( Helicopter boom ? ) Motor / Fuse Crutch ,
a wing spar , the rest pretty much ultra light F F type costruction .
The Olde Morane , eindeker , Tabloid , Bristol Scout & suchlike , or thereabouts . Perhaps.
Old Comet Rubber F2B at 400% would be 60 inch span .
just a thought , thinking it might now be achievable , even if multiple sequetial ' motor tubes ' for flight duration .
any Wakefiels of FF rubber buffs know some sums on output/ duation etc . . .
Turn of the century there was a 6 ft span Folkerts FF Rubber thing with a 24 inch prop , Fairly basic lines for strength to weight .
naff All Weight , naff all load at high G square turns . Deadly serious on this .
supose someone will tell us the price of Perelli Rubber & we'll go into cardiac arest .
flogged from Outerzone
or some other hieneous contraption .