Electric Stunt > New electronic technology

Electronic bellcrank idea?

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Steve Manganelli:

--- Quote from: pmackenzie on June 26, 2024, 12:59:00 AM ---Been there, done that, forced a rule change :)

We didn't play much with the indoor version (it didn't fly that well, and indoor flying time was getting had to come by).
A full sized outdoor one crashed early in testing for some unknown reason.

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P. Mackenzie

Thank you! That's just about exactly what I had in mind. Did the lack of handle feel effect (confuse?) your flying as compared to a conventional bellcrank equipped model?


Steve Manganelli

Ken Culbertson:

--- Quote from: Steve Manganelli on June 26, 2024, 11:40:36 AM ---Elimination of control force feedback is an unintended and probably undesirable side effect (?) However, I'm too new at CL to know what I'd be missing. How much "feedback" comes from twisted lines? I could start by clearing the lines, then pre twisting the handle X times.

Thanks for the Input,

Steve M.

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It is not that kind of feedback.  With the modern pattern you only get a maximum of three wraps at any point and for most parts of the pattern less.  The friction from three wraps is virtually nil with the plane under power.  What I am referring to is the resistance that feeds back through the lines to moving the controls.  The more you move them the stronger it gets even to the point of no longer moving before reaching the full range.  Everybody uses that feedback in their own way, but I think most of us rely on it to some degree.  In my case it is an early warning to the plane starting to "wind up", whether I have "hit the wind" where I expected starting a maneuver or when I am reaching the release point in a corner.  It is all done subconsciously in microseconds which means it is super hard to do without and difficult to duplicate.

Having said that, what you have accomplished is fantastic and I hope you keep working on it.  "Proof of concept" is always the first step and you have done that.  Addressing the unexpected and solving those issues is the real work.

One + that I like is that you should have full control with very little line tension which is an issue we face in calm conditions and high winds.



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