Vendors Corner > Mikey's models

Up dated FORCE MK II

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The updated version of FORCE MKII, almost finished,  55 inch wing span, 610 square inch wing, larger 25% tail, plans will be available soon as soon as they are printed.  $35.00 shipped folded.

john e. holliday:
Is there gpong to be an electric version?  Even though I haven't gone electric yet. D>K

Hi Doc,
I was thinking that would be a good idea, it’s so simple to do I thought they could figure that out lol.  I may have to make a secondary plan sheet because there is no room on this plan to show how to convert it to electric.  As far as a power system, that’s pretty easy think to do.  It uses the same power package as the SS Banshee.

Motor: Cobra 2820 —-KV
Battery: 4 cell 2800 pack
ESC: CC 40 or 50 amp.
Timer: Hubin timer with adjustable RPM pot or Frottie timer
Prop: APC 11” X 5.5 or 12”X 6 prop
Line length C to C 61’ of .015.

Later Buddy,

Mike Griffin:

--- Quote from: MikeyPratt on October 10, 2022, 07:35:46 PM ---The updated version of FORCE MKII, almost finished,  55 inch wing span, 610 square inch wing, larger 25% tail, plans will be available soon as soon as they are printed.  $35.00 shipped folded.

--- End quote ---

Looking good Mikey. 


Lyle Spiegel:
Is design for .46?  What is source of the unusual bellcrank?


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