Announcements > In Memory of our friends

Passing of Jim Womach, a great Combat flyer

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Gordan Delaney:
Jim Womach passed way early this morning. He was my best friend. We went to alot of contest together. We first met in summer of 1971.
I am so heart broken that I wasn`t there to help him.He was in the hospital for three weeks. Then he went to a home for theraphy.
He was a great combat flyer. Jim and I had some good matches with each other. I will miss him alot.
My sincere prayers go out for his family. His mom is 94 or 95 and he has a younger brother name John.

Gordan Delaney

Gordan Delaney:
Jim never gave up the hobby. He had vision problems. So he started flying R/C.
He also flew some profile stunt and Contest in California.



This is a jolt.  I haven’t seen or even talked to Jim in probably 10 years but he was one of the those people that made you feel good just knowing or seeing him.  Thanks Gordy for introducing him to me back in the ‘60s.  In this world full of BOM vs something else, Donkeys vs Elephants, IC vs Electric this serves as a stark reminder that there are a few people that we meet in our little world of toy airplanes who are simply above the minutia and just come across as someone you are just glad you know.  Jim was just that kind or man!  RIP my friend.

john e. holliday:
That is sad news.  I remember seeing him and his son I beleive at one of the later Lake Charles NATS.  They were a pair to contend with.  My son was still flying carrier then.

Gordan Delaney:

You might be thinking of someone else. Jim never had any children.



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