Announcements => In Memory of our friends => Topic started by: Eric Viglione on July 28, 2011, 07:50:00 AM

Title: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: Eric Viglione on July 28, 2011, 07:50:00 AM
Owen Richards passed away yesterday afternoon (Wednesday, July 27th) at the Tidewell Hospice in Ellenton. Owen had been experiencing severe health problems these recent past months.
His wife, Lou Richards said that although she has not finalized her plans, she does not plan a funeral service.
She will hold a memorial service for Owen in a few weeks and will let the local club members know when arrangements are made.
Lou thanks us all for the concern and friendship we have shown for Owen. Paul Sequira and I got down to Ellenton to see Owen Tues, and I'm very glad we pushed to go when we did. He wasn't what you would call very responsive, but I thought I could see signs he knew we were there and we passed on the good wishes of his friends as best we could...

If you would like to send a card or something to Owens wife Lou, the address is:

4532 12th Street Ct. E. Ellenton, Fl 34222

Owen loved to build, and would crank out new planes like nobody's business. Owen was a great travel companion, and one of the few people I would travel to a contest with. He loved to compete, and was
always a source of help and encouragement. One thing I always found cool is Owen could look at a score sheet and add it in his head quickly and accurately. He got the appropriate job title of "field marshal" at our club, because he was the one guy that could really keep the flight line moving... very often if you were slacking and it was your turn to fly, you could very likely find your plane moved to the circle for you, with Owen smiling and a ready retort like "hey, ya want me to fly it for ya too?". That always brought a smile and some good natured ribbing.

Here is a couple of pics showing how I like to remember Owen. The first was the day when he showed up with his new GeoxL back in 2001. The second is Owen winning our club WWII Quadrathon trophy presented by Phil Bayly around the same time. (This was a 4 event fox35 profile warbird event) Happier times.

Bye Owen, thanks for the memories buddy.
Eric V.

Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: john e. holliday on July 28, 2011, 07:58:47 AM
Very sad news.  Did not know him all that well, but found him to be a real gentleman when I would see him.  Now he is with the other greats that have gone on.  :(
Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: Steve Fitton on July 28, 2011, 08:08:35 AM
Godspeed Owen.

Thanks for the note Eric, you are right, Owen was a neat guy and loved to build planes.  I think he had a different plane every time I saw him!  He will be missed.
Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: Jerry Leuty on July 28, 2011, 09:59:54 AM
Yeah it is getting to where I hate to see another one slip from our ranks that are thinning way too fast. I myself am battling cancer and winning I hope. A trip to the Dallas VA will bring a new report. Never the less one day we all will leave behind our favorite items that have brought us so much fun and satisfaction over our life times. Then comes eternity. Question is; Where are you going to spend it? Read the Bible and find out.
Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: peabody on July 28, 2011, 12:02:03 PM
Sad indeed. Owen entered the first Intermediate at the Nats, as a "returnee" and progressed back to Expert level.
I saw him in January and he told me that he was improving....I believe that he had both a heart attack and a stroke.
I saw Owen again in Bradenton toasted the end of March and he was flying and in good humor.
A great guy and I'll miss him.
Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: John Tate on July 28, 2011, 02:30:27 PM
Qwen was a pleasant person to be around at the flying field. He went out of his way to help me at one of the Huntersville contests years ago. Thank you Owen.

John Tate
Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: Will Davis on July 28, 2011, 04:20:17 PM
Owen will be missed by all of us, A great guy and a wealth of knowledge

Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: tom_weedman on July 28, 2011, 07:04:55 PM
very sorry to here that he passed away he will be missed by all the x47 flyer's at our KOI contest he allways attend
TOM Weedman
Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: EddyR on July 28, 2011, 07:55:54 PM
Owen and I were long time friends both of us being in the Tampa Bay Line Flyers. That picture above looks like the old Clearwater Mall field. One day Eric and I noticed Owen was flying a lot of different models from ST/60 models down to Fox 35 models all on the same set of lines.We told him he would get better if he dedicated one set of lines and handle for each plane.He got a lot better quick.Great Guy
Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: Will Davis on July 30, 2011, 01:35:52 PM
Owen at Watt Moore at KOI, Looking back at the photos taken that day ,. Owen launched for about 1/2 of the contestants in OTS.. That was Owen
Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: EddyR on July 30, 2011, 05:34:59 PM
That is Phill Bailly from Clearwater
 Added ==I looked at it some more and maybe you are correct
Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: fred krueger on August 13, 2011, 09:22:21 PM
I went through my photo collection today and resurrected some photos of Owen from his Summer excursions up North.  Owen and Lou would drive their motor home to Illinois almost every Summer.  He would be at the Fermilab field almost every day (except Tuesday when Lou met with her friends).  Owen would be waiting for Alan Hahn and myself to arrive during our lunch hour and make sure that we made maximum use of our lunch time.  We called him our "Field Marshal".
Owen would come up to me after I finished a pattern and ask, "Do you want me to tell you what you did?".  He would critique each maneuver from memory, and pick it apart mercilessly  ;) .  That always amazed me.

Well, here's a few pics of Owen from our Illinois area events.  Allow me to echo Eric with "We'll miss you, buddy".

1st pic - Owen flying at a Tree Town contest at the Aurora airport in Sugar Grove, IL.
2nd pic - Owen having a deep discussion with Crist Rigotti at one of the Tree Town contests.
3rd pic - Owen's "Gypsy" at takeoff with Bill Smith releasing (Rockford, IL)
4th pic - Owen flying his "Super Tucker" at one of the FermiStunt contests at Fermilab.
5th pic - Owen receiving the 1st place Advanced trophy from Floyd Layton at a Peoria contest.
6th pic - Owen holding for me as I signal the judges to start my very first Expert flight (Peoria).  Owen gave me a lot of support.
7th pic - Owen with Jim Renkar at the Sandwich 1/2A contest.
8th pic - Owen with his 1/2A stunter at the Sandwich 1/2A contest.

Title: Re: Sad news... Owen Richards has passed away.
Post by: Bill Little on August 17, 2011, 01:02:42 PM
I am saddened by missing this post, I was in the hospital myself when Owen passed.  He was a great guy whom I wish I had spent more time with.  Godspeed, Owen.
