Announcements > In Memory of our friends

Jim Coll is back in the hospital

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Brad Smith:
Some of you may know Jim Coll from the east coast. He is back in the hospital again last time it was Pneunomia, this  time im not sure yet back I hear they have called is famly home, so if you would keep him and the famly in your paryers. Jim has been a friend and stunt mentor and a coach to us here.I will post more info when i find out more thanks.

linheart smith:
I will say a prayer for his quick recovery.  I look forward to competing against him in the near future.


gary tultz:
He'll be in mine too, I know him from Brodak's.  :(

Bob Reeves:
Thanks for the heads up Brad,

Jim is a hard headed old goat that doesn't like Skylarks but I love him anway.

Bill Little:
HI Brad,

Thanks fro the information.  I will keep Jim and his family in my prayers.  I, too, met him at Brodak's.  He is inspirational.


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