Electric Stunt => Gettin all AMP'ed up! => Topic started by: RC Storick on July 25, 2013, 12:51:34 PM

Title: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: RC Storick on July 25, 2013, 12:51:34 PM
I needed volunteers and didn't get get any. Deans personal workload is such that I thought he needed a assistant so I appointed Bob Hunt.

Rules to follow.
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Crist Rigotti on July 25, 2013, 01:12:31 PM
Congratulations Bob to your new appointment! 
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Bob Hunt on July 25, 2013, 01:18:44 PM
Thanks Sparky (I think...)

I believe that forums such as this one can be a tremendous asset to those who are searching for information, and a great vehicle for those who are more experienced to impart information. Obviously the field of electric powered CL models is still in its infancy and there is a lot for all of us to learn and to impart.

The rules of this forum state that you must include your actual name in your user profile. Handles are okay for posts, but your actual name must be listed for those who want to know who is answering their questions. This is just plain courtesy. Please check your profile now and if you actual name is not there, please list it. Nuff said on that subject.

I believe that the vast majority of modelers who visit this section of the Stunt Hangar forum are already involved in or seriously interested in electric powered CL flight. If you want to ask pertinent questions about electric flight, or want to share factual information about your experiences (good or bad) about electric flight, you are more than welcome here. What will not be welcome are those who just want to take jabs at electric flight. I would hope that those of you who are electric flight devotees would also not go to one of the other "propulsion" sites on this forum and "take shots" at the subject matter there.

There is now a Debate section on Stunt Hangar. Debate is okay, and those who want to participate in, or follow, debates now have a place where they can go and enjoy such stuff. This section of the forum is for and about electric flight. Let's all agree to keep it that way and help each other to more fully understand and enjoy this amazing propulsion mode.

Dean Pappas is the main moderator for this section; that will not change and I will follow whatever directives that Dean gives me.

Finally, remember, electric power for model flight is the worst it will ever be today. It's already very good and will continue to improve for years to come.

Yours for better modeling - Bob Hunt    
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Bob Hunt on July 25, 2013, 01:25:00 PM
Thanks, Crist:

Please continue to post more of the great electric information you have been known for in the past. You are an extremely valuable asset to this section of the forum!

Bob Hunt
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Duke.Johnson on July 25, 2013, 02:56:48 PM
Congrats Bob.  I just finished my first E-model and it has been great.  I know it's only Larry's ET-1 Trainer, but it's been a great entry into E-powered models for me. So this section will be a great help to future projects, like a electric Akromaster I'd like a build next. I guess I should start that thread. 

PS. I'll have a Holeshot finished by Friday.  I think I should build another Holeshot and make it electric, this time I should use one of your building methods. I happened to have a foam core that was the same size, so I used it. Hope I've done it justice. :)  Someday I need to figure out how to cover foam and make it look nice, yet another thread.
Thanks again
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: William DeMauro on July 26, 2013, 05:25:14 AM
Congratulations and best of luck, Bob. I have no doubt that you will do just fine.
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on July 26, 2013, 07:18:38 AM
Uh-oh, NOW we are in for it!!!
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: jfv on July 26, 2013, 11:05:39 AM
I guess Bob has figured out the secret to the 36 hr day!  Great addition to the program!
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Tom Niebuhr on July 26, 2013, 12:18:57 PM
 I am glad that you are joining with Dean on this.

Like Dennis I don't know how you have created a 40 Hour Day You are are guy who not only shares your knowedge, but also appreciates the knowledge of others.
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: john e. holliday on July 26, 2013, 02:07:02 PM
Probably comes from the work ethic of his great Dad, who I had the pleasure of talking with one evening some years ago. 
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Bob Hunt on July 26, 2013, 03:18:34 PM
Thanks all for the vote of confidence. Please remember that I'm only an assistant to Dean on this forum section; he's the boss! H^^

As for the long days of work, well, here's a secret: I love working! That was my Dad's secret too!  y1 I'm only happy in the shop. Okay, I'm also happy at the flying field!  <=

Bob Hunt

Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Bill Little on July 26, 2013, 03:49:20 PM
Hi Bob,

Welcome to the wonderful world of moderators.  Since you have come in the middle of the year, I feel I should share some of my enormous salary for doing this, it should arrive on June 31st........... don't spend it all in one place.

BIG Bear
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Larry Renger on July 26, 2013, 05:45:44 PM
Bob who?  LL~  LL~  LL~ Sometime perhaps he will reveal what his wife said when he came back from winning the World Championship - it's a hoot!

Welcome aboard oh electric guru!

Just give us sport/amateur electric flyers a break. We really can fly with cheap equipment and have success and a good time.

And when are you going to finish the forward swept canard? That is one sexy design! Hmmm, battery in the main pod, but the motor in pusher configuration off the canard....
Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: MarcusCordeiro on July 27, 2013, 04:44:11 AM
 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: James_Mynes on July 30, 2013, 11:28:00 AM

I met you back in the mid to late 70s. It may have been Braintree, MA or Fall River, I don't remember. I don't expect you to remember me after all these years, but perhaps you have a vague recollection of a few guys from Maine picking your brain and trying to absorb everything you were offering up. The thing that sticks out in my mind, aside from your glossy white airplane (Genesis, maybe?) was Tim Doughty asking you how hard your model pulled. You offered out a hand and just about pulled him off his feet. He wasn't expecting that kind of line tension.

Good to see you're still involved. I'm just getting back into it, very intrigued by electric power. I hear you know a thing or two about it.

Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: Bob Hunt on July 31, 2013, 05:02:20 AM
Hi Jim:

I do remember the Maine group. It included George MacArthur and a little fellow that used to hang out with him by the name of Bob Kruger. Bob is now the webmaster for PAMPA!  #^ He's also one of my closest friends. H^^

I'm glad to hear that you are getting into electric modeling. My expertise in this field is in packaging and flying these systems. I rely on the guy I work for in this section - Dean Pappas - to help me understand what to run. I'm learning...

Another great help on the electric equipment theory and application side of things is Will DeMauro. I've learned a bunch of practical stuff from him as well.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions that you might have about electric power for CL; the folks here are really great about sharing their knowledge. If you ever just want to chat about it, please give me a call at 610-746-0106 and I'll try to fill you in on what has transpired in CL electric to this point as best I can.

Later - Bob Hunt

Title: Re: Welcome Bob Hunt as co-moderator
Post by: James_Mynes on August 01, 2013, 02:58:56 PM
I remember George MacArthur. He was very passionate about Control Line. It's a shame he's not with us any more. He had a sidekick by the name of Pete Beal. I think Pete still flies a little combat here and there. I last saw him in the 90's at a Formula GX Combat contest put on by Neil Simpson.

On a brighter note, I flew today! For the first time in 20-odd years. It was a Baby Clown with an .061, I think it was a Brodak engine. It put a bounce in my step and brought a smile to my face.  #^