Electric Stunt => Gettin all AMP'ed up! => Topic started by: Bill Gruby on July 05, 2009, 08:38:02 AM

Title: Up Date on Ducted Fan C/L Stunter
Post by: Bill Gruby on July 05, 2009, 08:38:02 AM
 It has been four months plus now and we are about to finalize the design and component set up. This has taken an awful lot of time and effort from an awful lot of people. Many many fans have been ruled out. We are getting there though. I never give up on what I believe in. In a week or so I hope to have something to show you. The design is close to the original but it has changed to a full fuselage version.

  I would like to take this opertunity to thank all those who were behind us on this one. Special thanks goes to my good friend John Cralley for believing as I do and prodding me along the way. Also special thanks goes to Larry Marx for jumping on board and taking my rough figures and producing outstanding CAD drawings. I wish I could name all those that helped but it would take up mucho space.

  See you soon.

             "Billy G"  ;D
Title: Re: Up Date on Ducted Fan C/L Stunter
Post by: Dennis Toth on July 17, 2009, 11:03:18 AM

Can you outline the fan/motor/battery power pack that you settled on? What thrust to weight ratio are you shooting for?

Best,           Dennis T
Title: Re: Up Date on Ducted Fan C/L Stunter
Post by: Bill Gruby on July 20, 2009, 05:39:23 AM

Can you outline the fan/motor/battery power pack that you settled on? What thrust to weight ratio are you shooting for?

Best,           Dennis T

 Hello Dennis;

  The fans are "Shubeler DS-51's" These are 90 mm units capable of 8 lbs of thrust each. Motors will be Lehner 1940's. Two 8s Battery pacs. We haven't decided on the ESC's yet. We are looking into "Castle Creations" Throttle will come from UTronics and Clancy Arnold.  I hope this is what you asked for, if not we will try to get more info for you.

 As for the "Thrust to Weight Ratio"  I'm not sure on that one yet because we have no target weight yet, but with that kind of thrust there should me no problems.

  "Billy G"   D>K