I've been working on the trim for my E Stuka and have been working with props to get lap time similar to what it flew with the IC power. I have an SK 3542 -1000 motor with a TP 2100 4S1P pack. I have been working with a MAS 3 blade 9x7 Pusher, set at 9100 rpm drawing 20 Amps. This setup give a lap time on 58' center to center of 4.8 sec. with a flight time of 5:20. Now the line tension is very good in level flight but up top it gets light. Looking at some of the setups posted in this forum looks like others have used larger 11 to 12" diameters getting similar flight times and amp draw but at lower rpm and lap time. Question - does the bigger prop at the slower rpm and lap time pull through the wind and up top better?
Best, DennisT