Electric Stunt > Gettin all AMP'ed up!

LIPO cell checker - what device?

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Fred Underwood:
Similar to the others posted and $4.49.  I have a couple and friends also have them.  They work fine.  None of these inexpensive meters are overly accurate for each cell, but certainly can spot a significant difference.  % charge is useful as noted.


Crist Rigotti:
Get the Cellmeter 8!  Less than 12 bucks.


Alexey Gorbunov:
I use

Ken Culbertson:

--- Quote from: Dennis Nunes on January 08, 2021, 10:32:16 AM ---Hi DennisT,

I bought this battery checker on eBay a year ago. It works pretty good, will check individual cell voltage and was inexpensive.

--- End quote ---
I used the same one.  It always agreed with my charger so I suspect it was accurate (of both were crap - possible).  For some reason the last cell always registered lower.  I never investigated why but the same reading was there when I put it on the charger.


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