Electric Stunt => Gettin all AMP'ed up! => Topic started by: Bill Jacklin on June 21, 2013, 11:25:59 AM

Title: Indoor electric CL stunt w/ modified RC foamie ?
Post by: Bill Jacklin on June 21, 2013, 11:25:59 AM
There are quite a few on-line videos of this sort of thing, and it intrigued me -- particularly when one of the major suppliers decided to 'thin the ranks' of offerings of these EP flat foam 3D RC ships. I bought 3 of them, all identical bipes. They were cheap, less than a hundred bucks for all three, so why not? One, the first, to learn to deal with the new-to-me construction techniques, the mods necessary for CL, and to make all the mistakes on. That would leave two to do up for the more serious stuff.

There was indeed a lot to learn, but I am about to finish up that first one and even fly it in the cul-de-sac I live on in Albuquerque on a cool quiet morning. I am in need of talking to anyone else who has 'been there, done that'. Particularly, I would like to know just how much rudder and motor offset to use and the requisite leadout position, since these little beasts fly VERY slowly.

Specs are:
Plane: RC Universe Bipe, Electrifly Flat-out Series by Great Planes (30" span).
Motor: Rimfire 300 breushless, Electrifly by G.P.
ESC: SS-12, Electrifly by G.P.
Battery: Hyperion 3S LiPo, 550 mAh.
Prop: APC Slo-Flyer, 9 x 3.8, 9 x 4.7, 10 x 3.8
Timer: FM-9, Will Hubin

Comments and especially advice are most welcome!