The more complete manual quote is
Sensor Position:
You have 2 options to install the sensor:
Normal – Sensor flat side pointing down.
Reverse – Sensor flat side pointing up.
To change option press START.
Note that with either option the wiring must run toward
the model nose and sensor should be aligned parallel to
the fuselage.
If the installed sensor position is inverted from its
functional position, your accelerometer will not work
properly and you will notice that the light continues to
flash even after landing, until the battery is disconnected.
You will need to change the sensor position setting.
Thanks for comment and opportunity to clarify. The heading for your quote is about sensor position. The wiring needs to point toward the nose as it leaves the sensor. Between the sensor and timer, the wiring can be lengthened, shortened, or positioned as needed. The sensor is oriented properly front to back when the wires exit toward the nose. This is necessary even if you have the sensor in the nose ahead of the timer. Though that positsion is not suggested in the instructions, it has been done and worked, when the wires exited the sensor pointed forward, and failed when the wires exited the sensor pointed back toward the timer. The wires should be restrained at sensor exit so that if the length of wire shifts, it does not move the sensor.