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Author Topic: Lockheed Lightning . / P-38 2M.  (Read 2085 times)

Offline Scientifiction .

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Lockheed Lightning . / P-38 2M.
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:18:11 PM »
Anyone wanna try this one with Elecktrickery .Would send em the Drgs . If they can fly .  LL~

this things 5.000 tonnes , as its built up . 1/4 sheet flat spars ( 4in. sheet ea side ) and has gusssets & glue everywhere . Andll still do the shedule .

Rounds etc possible on one engine / either . on a good day . ( LL~) which proves the 21 in boom / prop spaceings workable .
Think about 2 1/2 less on the booms , and Just the Elevator between fins 9 & wider ) would be lighter & more simplerfierised .
The Olde Cowe weighs about 2.2 as flown . Kilos.. Building the whole darn thing out of good 1/16th sheet bar moulded booms
& moulded Cr. Nacelle ( hollow , just a Gear mount in there ) Of Course . It needs RETRACTS . LL~ to be super cool .suggeste

Wings 27 % airfoil . 78 span , 7 tip , 11 root chord .  2 OS max 35S pull it , on 10 x 4 3 blade tornados , on 70 ft of .018 7 strand . Good tension either motor out . ( at that weight  LL~ HB~>) The challenge would be to loose 750 grammes . seeing the suckers fully sheeted , its atainable .
Seeing the batteries in the Cr Nose for Noseweight , and just the motors in the cowls get super groovey P38 A Cowls / cooling ducts .

Alternately , you could send me all youre electrical gear , & I could DO IT MYSELF .

Im not stuck for messy oily  aerobatic engines , to the point where theres too many for my own good . But this things a cinch for Electric,
 so There Ya Go .  H^^

Same wing almost is on the Mewgull , whichll stay out in 20 knots douing the pattern .
Pull through on the cut and the swine does TWO laps on the glide , And the High A/R
only drawback is wind-up in the SQUARE Horizontal Eight , due to efficency in tight turns .
Literally increses speed there , if its blowing enough to get a Yacht moveing nicely .

Opinions , opinions. inqueries & promologations please . . . .

« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 06:41:44 AM by Matt Spencer »

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Re: English ? Electric Lightning . / P-38
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 10:16:41 AM »
I seem to have misread the title of this thread, and thought it was about another twin: the English Electric Lightning.

I built a Blue Pants as a kid. Wish I still had it. Might even learn to fly it.

Offline Scientifiction .

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Re: English ? Electric Lightning . / P-38
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 06:29:46 PM »
Just my WARPED sense of Humour .  n1

The P1A ( prototype ) has a nice primeval air to it . Was ' all the rage ' back then , with the F2D .

Have to settle for this if youre after a Electric English Lightning .  :##

« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 04:32:10 AM by Matt Spencer »

Offline Scientifiction .

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Re: English ? Electric Lightning . / P-38
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2016, 04:37:35 AM »

Oh GOODiee .

Probly find it dumps in 5 minutes . :P

Proby get a Job with a computor with NORAD . Once I get good with two fingers .  ;D
« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 06:33:16 AM by Matt Spencer »

Offline Scientifiction .

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Re: English ? Electric Lightning . / P-38
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2016, 06:41:02 AM »
This is a Clockwise rotational ship .

Pictures by Warren Leadbeater back at the 2008 nats . Scores 2/10 or 5/8 of sfa  . Avg about 150 . :P :-[

Last pic tells the story . Temp was up around 40 C / 10-4 F . If you want thermal shock , jump in the pool at night .
Had only been airbourne once previously and Offical was its 2nd flight . Into Wingover was grit the teeth & bear it ,
somewhat relieved it manadged it without loosing an engine, YET . Manadged that in the Sq Eights , if not before .

See the 11 x 5s put on 5 minutes before the Last flight there . TWO minutes to go and they decide theyre binding on the Cowls .
Dunno what I threw on . 9 x 6 grish 3 blades earlier . The 10 x 4s work quite well ( we Later Found ) Wingovers and loops on the outer .
Not really expected with the 21 in thrustline seperation . Might get a picture of the wing remains . I was left outside  in the rains out west , during the next nats,
Where the Country was going up in smoke around the place , buishfires & high temps down on the boarder , Vic / Nsw .

So the New Silver with B & W stripes got a bit of punishment and dampness got in generally , but still flew flaT / STRAIGHT , AS CRINKLED UP BUT NOT WARPED .
oh dear . Carving warped sheeting off , after having chopped the booms ( unnessasarilly ) for a move a few years back ( the sides were stuffed about the joints too )
has only really left the spars worth recovering . If That ( why bother using em - It'd have to fly clockwise if I do  :-\) Though the Tailplanes Good . >:(
The thing'd been built over four weeks in trying conditions , as a ' Experimental ' To Provide a bit of info . ( How NOT to do it  LL~ )

SO , the next one'd have a acetate centre ( cockpit ) nacelle ( only structural bit there'd be the node leg mount plus * ). Slightly ( 2 in odd ) shorter booms . Just 1/2 Sq for Tailplane spars .
( If Anyones Figured the Best P-38 Taiulplane / elevator set up , Id Like to KNOW . Please ) Im figureing Fixed ' outer ' and larger elevator would help by BEING SIMPLER thus LIGHTER and as stiff of STIFFER .)

Some Sheet lite ply Knock Offable Retract U / Carrage mounts . Moulded Booms , Frame type fins , and with really nice P-38 A cowls , electric engines . Mainly cause theyed fit in those artistic cowlings ,
which are a lot cleaner than J type cowls , which any I.C.E. would fit in . ??? AND the laterall polar moment * * *  ' We ' can chuck all the storage cells on the centerline , with a longitudinal sliding mount
the frigging C.G. ( fore & Aft ) is no bloddy problem . Also big 120 cc tanks & Mufflers and Bearers for OS 35s Times Two , adds to much UNNESSESARY weight . ( plus I can put the props in the scale posn relative to the canopy )

A few blokes up Queensland saw it do the scedule , more or less . Sure Id manadged it a Musswellbrook one time too , Maybe the Vets ?? Can Recall doing the in / out turn comparo there . Fly a Normal Triangle / Hourglass ,
a backward bakward one , The Wheels pull the sucker tighter on ' hard nose down ' tuurns . Which if its upside down in the bottom of a reversed hourglass you get less sag ( none ) as the Dihedrals got the inward airfolow
thing happening , as whell as the big ballon tyres acting as Anchors . Hard Insides it'll say a few foot , ish . About . More or less depending on how useless the flying is . Dont pull it so tight It'll fly the corner fine .
but its a big plane 2250 metric things plus fuel & humidity , 78 ( and 5/16 ) Span , and as the chords 9 in. Avg that makes it . . .

Think the Airfopils 27 % . whent there to get away from the Two Lap Mewgull ( the Green one used the same wing at 23% airfoil ) . Bigger flapps as the booms divide ( reduce ) them . Gives the Easy Answer  : A Profile !
But Thats Too Easy , But'd probly fly so well (and be light ) two pb abc glws ( FP25s , with both going . Remember ONE .35 MaxS will get it over the top . IF you cross all your fingers and twoes , and jump ifits falling on
your head . :## ( No Wipeouts !  ;))

Gives you some idea of the thinking behind it , and evaluation .

Care in the trailing edge for the flaps , and making the flaps in one piece & ' loosing ' the bit at the booms . And NOT Clamping it up to s**t there late at night squashing the sheet over the underlaying vernier / brace flat ,
on one side , would avoid agravation . A blankety pushrod back aft on the centerline ( Ya wouldnt see a black carbon one in flight , wouldja . ) would end a lot of fripping around , complexites and many exxesss wire bits
which arnt as light as wood or air , or nothing at all , even .  :-\

The Thick wings got good volume and lift , but the glide is a lot less freer than the 23 % wing . Though on THAT the differance in pitch ( Nose Down Trim ) before the wheel fairings were fitted , was most apparent . 7/16 wide legs !
So needs to be built clean ( not all the raged edges about the eppenage , or draggy landing gear ) Eliminate excesses , under 2 kilo should be good in mild winds , and magnificent ( Lift / support ) in calm conditions .
Think its a matter of tuning the fins / side area distribution to elimente yaw in hard turns or into & out off ' pressured ( wind ) ones . Obviously central mass location ( Batteries ) would make a enourmous differance
in the  ' G ' effect on mass ( concentrations ) . 6 G's 'd be 60 Oz. ( pluss ) sitting on the front of Ea Boom , as built .

For Your Perusal , then ! Spars are two sheets of 4 x 1/4 x 48 split diagonally , so there about 3 in ( fore and aft , about the high point - trimmed to the sheeting thickness at the edges , 1 in at the tips , only 1/8 thick out there.

Foam I think'd be good . But if THOSE Spars are Going to work ( Hard in rough air ) the need some ' seperator ' . The Latest fully Flapped one with this spar set up has ALL the ribs Grain Vertical between the sheet spars , so is
fairly Ridgid , not like a ornothopia at all . S?P S?P Last thing is , if it had TWICE the CHORD , it Wouldnt Have Twice the Lift . I hope .  H^^ R%%%% R%%%% :!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 07:40:31 AM by Matt Spencer »

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