Electric Stunt => Gettin all AMP'ed up! => Topic started by: Bob Hudak on January 02, 2013, 04:35:45 PM

Title: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on January 02, 2013, 04:35:45 PM
I started putting the Monokote to a couple of the components and realized "Hey I better get a few pics of the inner works before I hide them forever". The ship will be propelled by a E Flite 25 with a 12x6 APCep, Castle Ice Lite 50, Will Hubins FM9retract timer ,Turnigy Nanotech 3000 mah battery and a set of E Flite electric retracts. Enough rambling heres a few pics of where I am so far.
 Looks like alot of room in the front hatch until I fit the nose retract, don't sweat it the battery took alot of research to find one that would fit in the capacity I want. The plywood landing gear plates were decided on after many calls to Bob Hunt, they span 3 ribs. The wing was buit from a lost foam wing cradle, if you haven't tried one yet let me tell you the hardest part of building with a cradle is prepping it for the build. After the wing and gear were installed I had to test the gear... Many times. A email to Will Hubin and I had a simple solution to run the gear without running the power plant too. I wish I could post a video on the forum of the gear in synchronous motion, Too cool !! This project has turned into a labor of love and has turned me into a recluse living in the workshop (tell my wife I love her so).
  Back to the Bat Cave  Bob
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: George Grossardt on January 02, 2013, 05:08:33 PM
OK,  this is pretty cool.  I can't wait to see it finished.  Love the retracts.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Crist Rigotti on January 02, 2013, 05:35:49 PM
Cool, Bob, very cool.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on January 02, 2013, 06:12:49 PM
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Dave Denison on January 02, 2013, 07:13:43 PM

Great photos of a cutting edge airplane......please, keep the pictures coming.

Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Randy Cuberly on January 02, 2013, 08:00:54 PM
Terriffic Bob...
I've been thinking for quite some time that Bob Hunts F105 would make a great electric subject.  No engine hanging below the fuselage to spoil the effect.
I have a lost foam jig for the wing and will get around to building it eventually.  Too many projects in works already right now.

Ed Capltinelli has one here in Tucson that he built a couple of years ago and in typical "Eddy" fashion it's magnificently finished in the Thunderbirds paint scheme.  It's IC powered however...but very beautiful.

Great airplane best of luck with it!

Randy Cuberly
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on January 02, 2013, 08:20:08 PM
Randy C.,
 My original plan was to do the F105 in the Thunderbird scheme. But I decided to go easy on myself with the trim. Here's a pic of the trim scheme I decided on. I will put my AMA numbers on the tail. Look at that drop tank, doesn't it look like a good place to stuff some electronic hardware into?
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Dean Pappas on January 02, 2013, 09:48:22 PM
Mongo Like Thunderchief!

Bravo, Bob ...
   Dean P.

P.S. I think Bob H. preferred the way his F105 flew with the wing mounted drop tanks on it too.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Andrew Borgogna on January 02, 2013, 10:55:10 PM
There is of course the combat colors of the Vietnam war.  That would be brown and OD on top and off white on the bottom.  They never had a belly tank that's where the bomb rack was located.   There was a drop tank on each wing, with another tank in the bomb bay, yes it really had a bomb bay.  I was with the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing at Korat air base Thailand 67-68 and we had a whole bunch of Thuds there.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hunt on January 03, 2013, 05:38:18 AM
Just outstanding, Bob! As you and I have discussed offline, this was a project I had wanted to do since competitive electric power energy became a reality. Without the cylinder head sticking down to ruin the effect, this one will look so aggressive in flight, especially if you opt for the drop tanks over the central fuselage pod.

As Dean Pappas mentioned, my F-105 flew much better with the drop tanks on the ship. They were removable, and we tried it both ways several times. No question, it was better with the "tanks" on.

Looking so forward to seeing this one fly.

Nice job my friend - Bob Hunt

PS: Attached is a photo taken in 1972 at the KOI meet in Florida of me and the original F-105. I'd like to have that ship back, but I'd like to have that hair back more... - Bob
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Steve Fitton on January 03, 2013, 06:14:49 AM
Bob, what motor did your original have in it?  I've always wondered, I can't remember if the article ever mantioned the motor size or the planes sq inches for that matter.

I've always wanted to to a NJ ANG version of the Thud, maybe with the '76 paint job....
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hunt on January 03, 2013, 11:52:42 AM
Hi Steve:

That one had an OS Max H40S engine in it. Nice running engine, too!

Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Dan Bregar on January 03, 2013, 03:39:34 PM
Nice work Bob !  Can't wait to see you flying it !   :)
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Jeff Traxler on January 11, 2013, 11:37:08 PM
Hey Bob,This one will be a real looker in the air.The retracts are like the cherry on top of the sunday.How much of a weight penalty are they?Flying season will be here before we know it(Wind permitting I'll be flying in a few hrs. ;D ;D ;D).I better take a break from building guitars and get busy on my E-Shark 45.See Ya's,Trax
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on January 12, 2013, 08:40:14 PM
 I weighed the gear drives they come out to .95 oz each. The wire and struts are irrelevant because they would have been installed without the drive mechanisms. I'm not anticipating this plane to be extremely competitive (but you never know). My main love of the hobby was 3 line control scale airplanes, I wandered away from it after we lost our paved circles in Cleveland(too hard to taxi on grass circles). Now I found another way to bring a different feature to a semi scale ship that should be able to do a respectable stunt pattern. I can't wait to see if the weight disadvantage will be offset by the loss of fixed gear drag,kinda like a Flite Streak with no landing gear. My imagination is running rampant... Bearcats, Corsairs and Warhawks with retracts.
                                                      Just a boy with his plane.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: MarcusCordeiro on January 14, 2013, 07:10:20 PM
This is going to be a good one!!
Can't wait to see a video of it flying.
Love those landing gear bays...

Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on January 19, 2013, 02:56:57 PM
Here's a video of the retracts operating.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: MarcusCordeiro on January 19, 2013, 03:24:26 PM
I love it!!!

Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bill Little on January 19, 2013, 04:11:53 PM
Hi Bob,

You have a really great project going!  I believe it would be a very competitive stunter with the electric power.

Looking forward to seeing the finished project!

BIG Bear
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: john e. holliday on January 20, 2013, 08:19:03 AM
That is going to be beyond awesome.   I like it.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Dan Bregar on January 21, 2013, 04:52:50 PM
You North Coast Control Liner Guys are just awesome ! y1
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on January 21, 2013, 05:20:38 PM
Just watched the video - I think Bob is SERIOUS about this!  GREAT JOB, looking forward to seeing it this summer...
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Crist Rigotti on January 21, 2013, 05:59:16 PM
I think you're right Dennis.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on February 15, 2013, 03:18:37 PM
Rolling Thunder is almost complete. All I need are some AMA numbers on the tail, paint the fillets and finish the electronics install. I'll have to wait for better weather to go on some Wild Weasel missions. Yea I know, they used a F105D not a F105B when flying Wild Weasel missions.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Jeff Traxler on February 16, 2013, 12:38:05 AM
Can't wait to see her fly!!!Make sure you get it on video so we can see/not see those wheels.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: MarcusCordeiro on February 20, 2013, 07:08:03 PM
Can't wait to see her fly!!!Make sure you get it on video so we can see/not see those wheels.

X2²!!! :)!

Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Jim Howell on February 21, 2013, 02:55:59 PM
Model looks GREAT!  Ditto hoping for some video.

Jim Howell
Huntsville, AL
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Tim Wescott on February 21, 2013, 02:59:54 PM
Very nice.  I like the landing gear treatment -- it adds considerable realism.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bill Little on February 21, 2013, 03:13:40 PM
Hi Bob,

Looks great and should fly the same!  Would love to see a video with those gear pulled up, it will be killer!

BIG Bear
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Serge_Krauss on February 26, 2013, 11:04:13 AM
Hey, Bob. Bring it to the next meeting or send me some pictures so that we can get it into the newsletter. 'looks great!
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: john e. holliday on February 26, 2013, 05:49:55 PM
That is one gorgeous plane and would love to see it in person.  I guess this is another feather in  the cap of electric power.   Nice clean lines.   Also hope you get a video of it in the air. H^^
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on February 27, 2013, 07:09:28 PM
 I'll send some pics for the newsletter, I need to take some fresh pics because the fillets are done and I should have AMA numbers on the tail soon. Doc if it makes it thru trim flights it will be at Brodaks Flyin', come on up. I will get a video of it and post it on StuntHanger as soon as the weather permits.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Dan Bregar on February 28, 2013, 06:02:27 PM
Whadda ya meen IF it makes it thru trim flights !  Of course it will.  No problemo .  Why not ?  Gots to think positive !   :) :) :)
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Jeff Traxler on February 28, 2013, 06:18:26 PM
Bob,You better listen to Dan on this one y1 y1 y1    He speaks only the truth H^^
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on April 28, 2013, 11:24:52 AM
Got a in flight photo a club member took of the Thunderchief in flight. Also included is a short video with the gear up, it does come alive when they disappear. Looking at the pics it seems the outboard wing is a tad high. I had to add a wart tab to the outboard wing to cure a outboard wing high when doing an outside loop. Still has a way to go on the trimming.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Dennis Adamisin on April 28, 2013, 01:25:54 PM
WOW!  Way to go Bob.  The "Thud" looks like will be a winner in short order - CONGRATS!
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: John Cralley on April 28, 2013, 01:56:49 PM

That is beautiful just beautiful!!!  ;D  I would love to see a video (in slow motion) of takeoff with the gear retracting and landing with gear deploying!!!  y1
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Tim Wescott on April 28, 2013, 02:10:55 PM
I had to add a wart tab to the outboard wing to cure a outboard wing high when doing an outside loop.

Did you check the vertical CG?
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on April 28, 2013, 03:21:59 PM
I did check the vertical cg when I finished building the ship. It was good from the start(had to do it with the gear retracted).I believe this was mostly due to 3 things. One was it being an inline stunt ship, two it has no motor hanging down and three the landing gear not hanging out there. It is neat the way the plane changes flight when the gear go up, like it went into attack mode.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Tom Niebuhr on April 29, 2013, 08:19:13 AM
WoW! That looks incredible in the air. You have made Bobby proud.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: john e. holliday on April 29, 2013, 06:58:54 PM
Looks awesome with what video is there.    Now don't go putting divits in the tarmac/cement, whatever you have.   
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on April 29, 2013, 08:07:54 PM
Thanks for the compliments Tom. I hope Bob gets goosebumps when he sees this pic ! Doc I hope I don't meet terra firma with it, how tempting it is to bring it in real low to shake the ground with a sonic boom. I gotta figure a way to get some afterburner out the back.
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Jeff Traxler on June 17, 2013, 11:58:21 PM
The wheels on this beautiful ship retracting looked great as Mr. Hudak was on his way to an Electric win in Intermediate N-30 at Brodak.It should be noted that this bird is not only gorgeous in this thread but is stunning while in the air.With the wheels up it appears to be on invisable rails.The $$$$cote was FLAWLESS.My stunt brother from another mother.........."Ya done good,REAL,REAL GOOD" It was a pleasure to watch her fly and I thought I would let everyone know.
                                                          Great job brother Bob H^^ H^^ H^^
Title: Re: Electric F105 Thunderchief
Post by: Bob Hudak on June 18, 2013, 07:55:11 PM
Thanks for the flowers Jeff. The F 105 is a little wobbly in the air until the wheels go up during the 2nd lap after that it rides like the wind and gets a nice smooth and graceful feel about it. Akron is having a speed contest that Carl Dodge is running at the MAPS museum this weekend( June 22/23) that I'm going to help out with. I'm taking the bird with me to get some runway time after the event is over. Come on down if your not doing anything this Saturday and Sunday, bring the Strega.