Electric Stunt > Gettin all AMP'ed up!

Climb and Dive Timer New Software Update V1.4

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A new software update is available for the Climb_and_Dive Timer.  I just released v1.4 of the program code.  The  instructions have been revised to incorporate the latest developments, notably https://circuitflyer.com/Climb_and_Dive/docs/Advanced%20Modifications.html  Please have a look through them.

The Software page of the instructions https://circuitflyer.com/Climb_and_Dive/docs/Software.html has all the details of how to download the new code and update your timer.  It’s just a simple drag and drop.  This update is a little different as I added a new library file so you will need to drag and drop both the code.py and the whole lib folder onto your CIRCUITPY drive.  Remember to "Replace all" when asked, don't merge or keep both.

The most notable change is the ability to wire up an optional super bright NeoPixel LED.  The LED can be mounted through a 5mm hole in the side of full fuse airplanes.  It should be bright enough (except for the blue colour) to be seen from 60' away on a sunny day.  This is sort of an advanced feature and is only recommended if you are confident with your electronics skills.

Other new items:
- improved nose over protection.
- increase in the throttle setting for the start-up blip.  This was required or Castle Creations ESC's.
- decrease in the length of the start-up blip.  Reduced from the previous 1.5 seconds to just a quick 0.5 second pulse.
- For those that are comfortable personalising the code I moved a few variables up near the top for easier access.

Give this new version a try and let me know what you think.

Full details here:

The Climb and Dive timer can be ordered here:

John Paris:
Will try out the new material and let you know what I think when we get some good weather. 

Frank Imbriaco:
The diagram shows mounting location on a profile. I'd imagine a full fuse ship would be the same. So essentially, locating the device isn't as critical say as with an active timer ?

Mounting location inside a full fuse ship would be similar.  The edges of the timer need to be parallel to the major axis of the aircraft.  It can't be mounted at an angle or tilted.  It is an active timer. I tested different mounting locations on my limited fleet and found no noticeable difference.  Your airplane could be a little different and your probably a better pilot than I so maybe you could discern a slight advantage of one location over another.  Theoretically, mounting closer to the CofG might help reduce undesirable effects from excessive yaw or vibration.

Dennis Toth:
Does a new timer come with the latest program upgrades installed?

Best,  DennisT


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