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Author Topic: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!  (Read 41122 times)

Offline NeilMclean

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Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« on: July 23, 2015, 09:44:37 AM »
Having just finished building my new E Super Clown I eventually decided to open the power package which I bought from Brodak. It was then that I realised I should have opened it earlier as I discovered that the battery charger (pic of info attached) doesn't come with a power cable. I have just been to my local electrical store, bringing the charger and info with me, and was sold a multi voltage power supply (pic attached). The guy in the shop assured me this will work and set it at 12v, although it can go up to 15v. He assured me it wont make any difference at all. Is this correct?

Second question is, I got some crocodile clips with the charger (pic also attached), but nowhere are they mentioned in the instructions. What are these for? My guess was that they plug into the charger and then attach the clips to the battery terminals to check remaining charge in the battery? Although the connectors on the battery don't look like they will allow this to be done. The battery is a Lipo Battery 11.1 Volt x 3300 mAh (Super Clown) by Arrowind (20C/1C) 3300 mAH 11.1v 3S1P.

Third question relates to how long should it take (assuming I don't deplete the battery below the 20% recommended) to charge a battery? I bought 3 initially but have no idea if it will take 15 minutes or 15 hours to recharge after use.

4. I have read a lot about not storing a battery fully charged. However, what happens if I do fully charge all 3 and then, for whatever reason, I dont get to use them? The charger/balancer in the Brodak pack mentioned earlier doesn't seem to have a discharge function. Would this be a major problem?

5. Charge rate. I think I have read in various threads that you shouldn't charge above a charge rate of 1A. However, this charger offers various charge rates, from 0.5A, 1A, 1.5A and 2.0A. Should I just stick with the 1A charge rate and ignore the others at this stage?

6. Long periods without use. There may be long periods when the batteries are not used due to the erratic weather conditions often found in Northern Ireland! I have read conflicting reports with how to deal with this. Some seem to suggest you should discharge the battery to a safe storage level of around 20%. Others seem to suggest that the battery will naturally lose juice when not in use, and you should be checking every 2-3 months and recharging back up to 20%. In practise, what do most people do in cases like this?

Sorry if these seem like very stupid questions but I am completely new to all of this and would like any advice or help that anyone can offer.

Thanks in advance.

Offline William DeMauro

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2015, 11:14:21 AM »
I HAD one of those chargers for a short while. The cable with the alligator clips is your power cable. plug it in and clip it to a 12V power source(Car battery for example). You want to discharge or charge to 50% to store your batteries. That charger is SLOW and does not have a storage mode. You may eventually want to get yourself a MUCH better charger that has a storage mode feature built in. I tell people buy the best that they can afford. There are many out there. I personally like the PowerLabs or most of the Revolectrix line or the I Charger line but there are many others that are also very good.(Hyperion, Thunderpower are just 2 of many brands). I tend to avoid the chargers with the built in power supplies but that's because many aren't fast or powerful enough for my needs,your needs may be different. As far as charge rate goes, it varies from battery maker to battery maker but to keep it simple the old rule was never charge above 1C or in your case 3.3 amps(2C would be 6.6) With the charger that you have you will never even reach that rate and with that power supply alone I doubt that could happen even if you could. I don't think that charger will even reach its advertised 2 amp output. So plug in your battery and turn it up all the way you are more than safe.Hope this helps.
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Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2015, 11:53:38 AM »
Hi William and thanks for the reply.

Just a couple of points to clarify:
1. When you say store at 50% to be safe, does that mean I shouldn't charge to 100% the night before (eg. if I'm flying on a Saturday afternoon is it dangerous to charge all the batteries the night before?)

2. If I get to the field with all fully charged batteries and the weather turns bad I am then left with a bunch of problems. Without a charger which discharges the batteries, am I right in saying this is potentially dangerous?

3. The batteries themselves came with virtually no instructions so I have no idea what they recommend. But when you say turn it up all the way, do you mean increase the voltage on the power cable (up to 15v instead of 12v) or do you mean set the charger at 2C?

One of the reasons I opted for the " all in one" package is my lack of knowledge with electrics. I had hoped they would come with a little bit more instruction however, so maybe I have been a little bit naive.

From what you are saying I think my main priority should be to buy a charger with a discharge facility?

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2015, 12:19:31 PM »
So, I'm going to give you slightly different advice from William -- you can choose to be confused by this, or you can just decide what you wanted to do in the first place and then point to whichever one of us happens to tell you to do that and say "I'm following expert advice!"

If you have money to burn, go ahead and buy a new, fancy charger.  If you've got a local hobby shop that caters to electric RC pilots and has a good reputation with them, just walk in, put your battery on the counter, and say "I want to charge this, what should I buy?"  If they're confused by the fact that you fly on strings just tell them that your system has about the same power demands as a 3D RC plane of the same weight.  If you have any RC friends who fly electric start buying them beers now so you can lean on them for help later.

If you're on a budget, just use what you have until you're sure you like this control line stuff.  Then you can worry about upgrading.

Unless the charger you have is appallingly inefficient then it should not be taking 3A in to put out 2A at 12V -- so your 3000mA adapter box will probably do.  If it doesn't, turn the charger down to 1.5A or 1A and be patient.

If you charge the batteries fully and leave them lying around for months then they will lose capacity.  I don't think that you'll harm them much by leaving them fully charged overnight, or even for a few days.  This gets down to how finicky you are -- for now I think your biggest worry should be smacking dirt, not puffing batteries.  If I'm wrong then send some curses my way and buy some new batteries at Hobby King.

Once you get the plane done you'll have a poor-man's discharger.  Just run the thing for about half a flight's worth of time while hanging on to it.  If you want to be finicky, do so at reduced throttle setting, or with a one-inch smaller prop on the thing.  Don't cut your fingers off.

As far as potential danger, you should always store your batteries as if they'll burst into flame at any moment.  This isn't because they do so very often (they don't), but because you don't want your house to burn down with your loved ones in it, or worse, your shop to burn down with your planes in it.  Once a LiPo catches on fire it burns very intensely -- it carries its own fuel and oxidant and it's in a thermally insulating package, so there's no way to take away any of the three things that fire needs to keep going.  So, store the batteries in a container that'll let them burn without taking the building it's in with it, or store them outside.  (I violate this rule -- I need to get me a fire proof bucket or something, or one day you'll be reading one hell of a sob story here, starting with "I was stupid").
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2015, 12:36:53 PM »
Lol Thanks Tim. I know I'm coming across as very serious and "finicky" (great word  H^^) , but its really because I hate feeling so thick!
My main concern is about burning the house down. The odd puffed battery I can live with, but I really dont want to be woken at 4am with the smoke alarm going off! Your point about having a poor mans discharger is so obvious I cant believe I didnt see that one myself. I can live with that method at the moment.

Unfortunately there are no model shops left in Belfast, the last one closed its doors last year, so I really have to rely on on-line ordering and boards such as this. The main pearl of wisdom from you and William seems to be to just plug it in with the 12v supply and set it at 2C and all should be ojk. Am I right? (why then has everything I have read told me never to charge above 1C) See what I mean about feeling thick!!

As for storage, I have already bought lipo bags and I was advised to get an old Ammo box which I ordered from Amazon (US Army to be precise!), so I'm hoping that should keep it all contained if the worst happens.

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2015, 01:04:51 PM »
Lol Thanks Tim. I know I'm coming across as very serious and "finicky" (great word  H^^) , but its really because I hate feeling so thick!
My main concern is about burning the house down. The odd puffed battery I can live with, but I really dont want to be woken at 4am with the smoke alarm going off! Your point about having a poor mans discharger is so obvious I cant believe I didnt see that one myself. I can live with that method at the moment.

Unfortunately there are no model shops left in Belfast, the last one closed its doors last year, so I really have to rely on on-line ordering and boards such as this. The main pearl of wisdom from you and William seems to be to just plug it in with the 12v supply and set it at 2C and all should be ojk. Am I right? (why then has everything I have read told me never to charge above 1C) See what I mean about feeling thick!!

There's a lot to learn to do this stuff -- fortunately, there's little of it that's life threatening or injurious to your health if you keep your fingers out of the prop.

Sorry to hear about the hobby shop situation -- I'm surprised that there isn't at least a toy store or two selling quadcopters, but then I don't know what the legal or economic environment is there.  Fortunately, there's mail order.

As for storage, I have already bought lipo bags and I was advised to get an old Ammo box which I ordered from Amazon (US Army to be precise!), so I'm hoping that should keep it all contained if the worst happens.

That, and make a point to keep it away from anything too flammable -- I don't keep my batteries in an ammo box, but I do keep them a foot or so away from anything that can catch fire.

AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline John Cralley

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2015, 01:44:25 PM »
Before I got a good charger with a "storage mode", I bought a cheap motor and ESC from Hobby King.  I programmed the ESC to cutoff at 3.8 volts (that is per cell) and ran the motor (mounted on a wooden box) with a smaller prop and at a lower RPM (to prevent overheating) until the ESC voltage cutoff kicked in. This worked to get battery to around storage level for me. Others may have neater solutions to the storage problem
John Cralley
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Offline eric rule

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2015, 02:10:44 PM »

Give Ivan Bolton in Dubin a call (01)5153016. I realize you are in Belfast, Northern Ireland and he is in Dublin, Ireland but at least you are both on the same island. Ivan is a good guy and he flies both glow and electric so will be a great source of knowledge for you. When you contact him feel free to let him know that Eric at RSM suggested that you call.

If you want to drop me an email ( I will be happy to send you a copy of an article on battery safety that Igor Burger and Norm Whittle wrote. It is simple to understand and will provide you with some very good advice. We send out this article with every electric power system we sell here at RSM Distribution.

Offline John Kelly

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2015, 02:45:37 PM »
   ...Hey Neil, No reason to feel thick. Just reread William's post and you will see that he said 1C for your 3300 pack is 3.3 amps and since your charger is lucky if it puts out 2 amps, just set it at 2A, not 2C, and you should be fine.   Cheers,  John
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Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2015, 04:05:21 PM »
John (Kelly), thanks!! I've now realised that 1C, 2C etc means capacity. So 1C is 3.3 amps, 2C is 6.6 etc. this had thrown me completely. It's weird when something so simple falls into place. So 2A is still well within the maximum capacity of 3.3A. Simple!! Lol I've learned something today at last.

Thanks Eric. I've e mailed you and had already e mailed Ivan as I was given his name by Maurice Doyle in Belfast. Hope you get my E mail ok

John Cralley, any thanks for the input. That sounds very like Tims "poor mans" discharger, which it looks like I will be employing in the short term.

Tim, funny you should mention that. The place I got the charger cable from today (Maplins) had a display of quad copters I saw today. I was in a rush and didn't get a good look, but it looked like a temporary display. Like one of those "look at this new toy we have on sale" type displays.  I've found Hobby King to be very good as long as the items are available in the UK warehouse. I ordered some items from the "international" warehouse and have now found out it comes from Hong Kong and an take up to 45 days. Not ideal. 

To be fair, Brodak also had to send me some missing screws and wheel collars and I got them in 6 days which isn't bad at all. It was the 30% postage cost plus the import tax on my first main kit order that hurt a bit. It ended up adding approx $150 to the overall cost. That's when I wished there was a local supplier!

Offline John Kelly

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2015, 05:38:18 PM »
   ...Hey Neil, Glad I could help, but I have to laugh too! If William is following this thread, he has to be laughing, wondering why I'm getting involved when I don't even fly electric powered planes. I learned about the charging/discharging of batteries from  racing R/C cars. I like your "pearls of wisdom" line! LOL. William is the Electric Go-To Man here on Long Island (not Ireland...but still an Island!) at F.M.P. (Flushing Meadows Park,Queens) where we (New York Control Line Stunt Team) fly. You'll find his posts very informative, helpfull, and well worth paying attention to.   Cheers,  John
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Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2015, 06:37:28 PM »
Cheers John, and thanks again!

Ahh Queens. I have many happy memories of a rugby tour of the States in the early 90's when we stayed in Queens for a few days while we played at a tournament at Rockaway (at least I think that's what it was called lol).

Well you clearly have more electric knowledge than me. You should try it. It's all the rage now!! Lol

I'm just glad I've sorted out my A's from my C's at long last. It's starting to make sense!!

Thanks again.

Offline Vincent Corwell

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2015, 01:08:54 AM »
Hi Neil

why not contact your local club, they fly in Tommy Patton Park and have a paved circle as well as a grass circle

very nice friendly bunch of men there


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Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2015, 08:50:53 AM »
Cheers Shug. I'll have a look at those later when I get home from work. Hoping to get it in the air this weekend so I'll keep you informed!!

Hi Vincent. They were the first ones I contacted a couple of months ago. I met with the Chairman Maurice Doyle who has been very helpful! We have stayed in touch over the past couple of months, but the only problem has been that no-one in the club flies electric. It was Maurice who put me in touch with Ivan Bolton in your neck of the woods, and he has been brilliant. I just dont like to keep pestering them with every little question I have.

I'm supposed to be meeting with Maurice tomorrow down at Tommy Patton as he has offered to take a look at my "effort" and see if it will fly properly. He has also offered the use of their club trainer model and they have a dual handle. All designed to hopefully avoid me taking my plane home in a plastic bag  ;D

Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2015, 07:27:42 PM »
Ok more help please. I connected a battery up to the charger shown above with the power source shown above around 2.5 hours ago. The charger showed all 3 cells at around 40-45%. It is now showing 80,80 and 85 and these numbers haven't changed in the last half hour. It seems to have stopped at this level.

Any ideas what is going on?

Offline William DeMauro

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2015, 07:57:01 PM »
 I think your charger hit the balance phase and is trying its best to balance the batteries and its going to take a while as that charger is painfully slow. I think once you get a few flights under your belt you will want something at least a little better. For now just use what you have and realize that its very slow!!!  There is a VERY slim chance that your power supply isn't putting out what its rated for and therefore your charger reached its available limit, but I really doubt it.
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Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2015, 08:15:03 PM »
Thanks William. I unplugged everything and left it a while then started again. It is now saying 94,94 and 98. I noticed when I did that that the plug connector is very loose so maybe it had worked itself out. Am I right in saying that if the power is unplugged the charger will then just monitor the battery without charging and maybe still try to rebalance? That might explain why it was still showing a reading even though it wasn't going up??

Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2015, 08:22:57 PM »
And yes, I agree, it is PAINFULLY slow!! From what little I've learned in this thread it is charging at 2A when the battery needs 3.2A so I expected it to take a while. Just not over 3 hours! But it's almost there now so it must have lost power earlier.

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2015, 08:26:07 PM »
If the plug is loose, check to see if you've got one that's a better fit.  I believe that your 12V power supply came with a bunch (they call them "power tips") -- I would look at the power cable that came with the charger (the one with the alligator clips) and see if it matches any of your other plugs better.

Make sure you get the + & - part right.

If that doesn't seem to be working, just try different tips in the hole in the battery charger to see if one fits better.
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2015, 08:31:53 PM »
Thanks Tim. It was actually the mains plug I meant. It has a European mains plug with a UK adaptor but there is no "click" when engaged. So I assume it worked itself loose while I was checking the heat in the battery in case it was going to explode. And of course there wasn't any heat at all. 
Latest wired thing is it is now saying all cells are at 100. The instructions say that when that happens the 3 red lights will turn green. But they are still red. Is this normal? Will it just take a while before they turn green?

Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2015, 08:39:38 PM »
This is what I've got now??

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2015, 09:07:35 PM »
Thanks Tim. It was actually the mains plug I meant.

Too many plugs!  I have no clue about your red/green issue, sorry.
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2015, 09:12:03 PM »
Cheers Tim. It says 100 3 times so that will have to do.
I'm getting a new charger. Couldn't be bothered with this nonsense.

Offline John Cralley

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2015, 06:05:20 AM »

Good thinking! Be sure it has a "storage mode" and you might also want to get a power supply as well. Buy the best you can afford.
John Cralley
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Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2015, 07:27:51 AM »
Will do John. I was very surprised most don't come with a power supply. But you live and learn.
I have seen some that come with AC/DC built in. Seems like a much more simple option to me. Are there any drawbacks to that?

Offline eric rule

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2015, 10:30:54 AM »
Here are the two chargers we suggest to our customers.
The first is the Imax B6AC. it plugs into the wall socket at home and uses the car battery at the field. Has a balance and storage charge mode.

The second is the Quatro which charges 4 batteries at one time. Ac at home and DC at the field.

Offline eric rule

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2015, 10:36:44 AM »
Here's the two chargers we suggest to our customers. Both work on AC at home and DC at the field. They each have balance and storage modes. The B6AC will charge one battery and costs $39.99 while the Quattro will charge 4 batteries at once and costs $189.99.

Offline William DeMauro

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2015, 12:16:46 PM »
Will do John. I was very surprised most don't come with a power supply. But you live and learn.
I have seen some that come with AC/DC built in. Seems like a much more simple option to me. Are there any drawbacks to that?
This depends mostly on your wants and needs or a combination of the 2 and also your budget. Most AC/DC chargers are limited to their power output due to the size of the internal power supply.(50-100 watts is typical) Compared to what you are using now this is light speed. Compared to what's available if you want to spend some money this is still slow. One thing most people don't realize is that the discharge features on most of these lower end chargers is painfully slow, but at least they give you one and most people have more time to discharge. There is more written over here that I could ever explain to you on batteries, chargers and power supplies. I'm sure you can find the good the bad and the ugly on any charger, power supply or battery that you may be considering. The reason I and others tell you to buy the best that you can afford is that most people outgrow the budget ones very fast and end up buying twice. You already used your entry level one only once or twice and cant wait to get out from under it. To give you an example of the opposite extreme. I have 2 power lab 8's, and a 24V 75 amp power supply that is capable of charging 12 4s 4000 Mah batteries in under 20 min. I can tell you most people don't need that either.
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Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2015, 07:33:43 PM »
Hi William. Some great points and very well put!!

I've been advised to go for an iMax B6AC V2 professional charger by a local guy so I've ordered one of those. I agree with what you said 100%. I was advised from the start to get the best charger I could afford but as one was included in the power package I stupidly ignored that.

Had my first flights in 38 years yesterday and it was exhilarating. And freightening. The club chairman took me out on a dual handle and let me loose before I knew it. I was told to fly level but ended up doing a loop (by accident) and I have no idea how I did it.

Makes me appreciate appreciate even more when I see you guys do the schedule like it is second nature.

Think I'm hooked!

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2015, 09:08:55 AM »
Here's the two chargers we suggest to our customers. Both work on AC at home and DC at the field. They each have balance and storage modes. The B6AC will charge one battery and costs $39.99 while the Quattro will charge 4 batteries at once and costs $189.99.

Hey, Neil-

I have a charger very similar to the "Quatro" that Eric shows here. It works great for me at home, and I have also used it for when I fly 2 day RC sailplane contests abroad. It DOES have the storage charge/discharge capability, I used it last night in fact!
For my RC use, I can charge different things on each port, so 2 planes and a transmitter, and a small lead acid battery for field charging all get charged at one time in my hotel room in that case. That's awesome.

For C/L use, I can charge all 4 of my plane batteries in less than an hour while being in attendance. For non-super-hard-core e power flying, I think this and possibly a small sealed car battery (for field charging) is all you would need. Unless you really get bit like these veterans, that is likely all you will need for "casual" use.

Have fun, I know I am. All the e power stuff is eventually easy if you like math. You better learn to like math if you don't already, LoL!

Good luck with the Clown!
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Offline NeilMclean

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2015, 04:53:43 PM »
Thanks Chris!

Luckily I do line maths. I work in finance so I would need to! But I always confused my amps/watts/volts etc etc when at school. And it seems I still do.

My new charger has arrived but unfortunately the good old British weather has taken over for the past week so I haven't had the chance to use the charger or the clown. My local club meets on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons but it has been rained off since last weekend. So I just sit here, looking at my shiny new model, and imagine it flying.

Maybe that's the best way to keep it in one piece! Lol

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Re: Amateur Lipo charger/balancer question(s). Please HELP!
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2015, 06:20:09 PM »
Just fly when you can, and my advice is fly as many flights each time you go to try to "get over the hump" on the learning curve.
I'm barely there but I am finally feeling a bit more comfortable with maybe 10 to 12 flights under my belt.
I should start to learn the beginners pattern and try to do some competitions maybe.
I suffer from a really odd work pattern though, as I work offshore running a boat for the US NAVY, and coincidentally have been away for the the two major contests at my local area that they have each year. Oh well....

If you can have someone that is a veteran pilot help you locally, of course that will likely result in more success. I'm lucky to have an accomplished pilot and especially engine guy that I'm good friends with from RC soaring. I kind of laughed a bit when some others here on this forum poo-poo'd my tank setup on my Banshee before the maiden (when I posted pictures of it). The thing started on the first flip after being stored for 2-3 years. That's after the same guy machined his own venturi for it and changed the timing a bit, etc. He really knows what the heck he's doing.  #^

So the point is, find someone there that can help you and is knowledgeable and sprint forward and don't look back. This forum is also a great source of info, no doubt, but is a picture is worth a thousand words, seeing something in person is worth about a million.

I hope you have great luck and a ton of fun, and that the weather cooperates there soon. ;)

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