Engine basics > Four strokes only

Thunder Tiger 4 stroke

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Martin Quartim:

--- Quote from: Bob Reeves on November 17, 2009, 07:57:01 AM ---Not sure but think Thunder Tiger and Magnum come out of the same factory. No first hand experience just hearsay that they are not up to par power wise with Saito and OS. A friend handed me a Thunder Tiger 61 to play with and it's 2 ounces heavier than a Saito 62..

Sorry, not real encouraging but try it and see how it shakes out, might be great then you can tell us how to make it run..

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I believe the TT engines are made in Taiwan and Magnum in main land China by two different companies.


Bob Reeves:

--- Quote from: Martin Quartim on November 17, 2009, 04:35:23 PM ---Bob,

I believe the TT engines are made in Taiwan and Magnum in main land China by two different companies.


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Thanks for setting me straight, thought they both were from China.

The Thunder Tiger comapny used to make all Magnum engines in Taiwan. When Magnum setup its own company in China and started to produce there own motors Thunder Tiger started to sell Thunder Tiger branded motors  here in the  U.S.
 The engines that are now made by Magnum in China are a differant design and very differant than Thunder Tigers, Thunder Tiger is a higher quality engine.
The 4 cycles are very well made and have good power, Also Magnum just desgined brand new more powerful better  4 cycle engines


Hi everyone and thank you all for your imput. I have already purchased the T-REX and TT 75 4 stroke. I paid $154.99 for the engine new and it is 16.13oz with 1.2hp. I will try it out when I find time to build it and report back about how it worked out. thanks, Ron

Martin Quartim:

--- Quote from: anderson-ron on November 17, 2009, 09:52:28 PM ---Hi everyone and thank you all for your imput. I have already purchased the T-REX and TT 75 4 stroke. I paid $154.99 for the engine new and it is 16.13oz with 1.2hp. I will try it out when I find time to build it and report back about how it worked out. thanks, Ron

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wow $ 154.99 ! that is a bargain where did you get that ?



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