Engine basics > Four strokes only

Camshaft Timing


Kelly Wilson:
I am replacing the bearings on an older OS 91 Surpass for a friend. The engine has been setting up for a long time and gunked up pretty bad. The bearings were wasted. I have the engine disassembled and cleaned up. I am presently waiting for the new bearings.

Its been a long time since I have rebuild one of these. Can someone refresh me on the proper procedure for timing the camshaft?

Kelly Wilson

Alan Hahn:
From my "A complete guide to O.S. Model 4/Strokes" by Graham Rice (copyright 1991 for a date reference)
"Hold the Crankshaft timing mark steady at the 12 o'clock position and spirally rotate the Camshaft into its housing unit until the Camshaft timing mark comes to rest at the 6 o'clock position. The Camshaft timing is now complete. Close the Camshaft housing with its cover".

The Crankshaft timing mark is a little "t" like mark on the thrustwasher, and 12 o'clock aligns with what looks like to me is the centerline of the crankcase--(on the top of front bearing housing).

The Camshaft timing mark is a small "dot" on the camshaft drive gear.

This was verified on my OS 40 Surpass which is from that era! #^

Kelly Wilson:
Thanks, that is what I needed to know. I appreciate it.



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