You might not get too many answers concerning an OS .70. My main experience is with a Saito .56, but last summer inherited a Hawker Typhoon with a 65" wingspan and powered by an OS .7 FS. It has an R/C carb that I have closed the throttle down to about half open in order to get the patter in on a 4.5 ounce tank on muffler pressure. After experimentation using what I have learned with the Saito, I finally settled on 15" Cool Power for fuel and can shout tank it down to 4 ounces I think for a 7 minute run swinging a 14-6 prop at about 7800 RPM . I plan to try a 7 inch pitch as soon as weather allows. If I converted correctly, you are using about 3 ounces, so your venturi must be quite small. My UEWAG ( Uneducated Wild Ass Guess!) is that we have to run the intake on these beats so small, that the air part of the mixture is small enough that the density doesn't affect it and the nitro content makes up for any difference. I couldn't get the pattern in on YS-20/20, so that is why I dropped down to 15% If you are up there in nitro content also, that may help explain it.
Type at you later,
Dan McEntee