Find One Teach One > FOTO op Members in your area that are willing to teach control line.

Collierville, TN area


I will teach anyone to fly controline - age three up.  Lifetime success with one exception.  Been doing this for 50 plus years.  Answers to building questions, pointers, etc.  Not enough time for hands - on type teaching.

We fly sometime during most any week.  I'm in the phone book - not hiding except from computer scammers and telemarketing.  email me also thru the forum or kreth(remove)

 :) H^^

Paul Taylor:
You can add Ryan and I to the list of Flight instructors in the Memphis / Collierville area.
We ran about gazillion kids thru KidVenture at EAA. If anything we know how to spin in the circle and hold the handle with someone.

Paul Taylor
Ryan Taylor

Email, or PM me here.


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