Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing > F2C CL Team Race
Need a quart of sport diesel fuel to teach kids racing
Mike Alimov:
As the title says. I have a 11- yr old and 13-yr old that I want to teach some racing skills. Using old Clown racers from the days of yore. One of them has an MVVS 2.5. Don’t need gallons of fuel, a quart or two will do. Will be building glow versions over the winter.
I went to the Davis Diesel website and it is down, apparently mr. Davis passed away?
We’re in Ohio.
Thanks for the inputs and ideas / suggestions.
john e. holliday:
My basic starting mix: oil 25%, ether(starting fluid)33% the rest good grade of kerosene.
The starting fluid cans have to be inverted to bleed of the propellant in the can. Then very carefully puncture the can to make holes for pouring and venting the can.
The kerosene has to be clear as a glass of drinking water. Any color means it is old kerosene. I get mine at ACE Hardware.
Caster oil can be found at most racing shops or SIG Mfg. D>K
Tom Vieira:
i just mixed some using john deere starting fluid (80% ether, highest advertised concentration i know if), Kerosene, and Klotz BeNol (you can get it on amazon). i did 1/3 of each, but it was heavy on oil. next batch will be less. it was plenty of fuel for an evening!
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