Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing > F2C CL Team Race
john e. holliday:
Sounds to me like you are over compressed. At least that is what would happen to me when I was running diesels. The last can of ether I got was from Springfield MO in a 5 gallon tin. By the way it was motor grade.
I've been racing diesels since 1968 never seen black oil even when under compressed. It's definitely something dirty in the spray can. Probably some kind of light oil with a low flash point.
Dave Rolley:
At one time Red Max would mix diesel fuel to your percentages (oil, kerosene, & ether) using their ingredients. That would leave your to add the cetane booster (DII) and the octane booster (TEL or Ferrocene) of your choice. That is the closest to off-the-shelf fuel for sale.
I wasn't a big fan of Red Max's "trust me" assurances about their oil. So I used to have them make a mix of 0% oil, X% kerosene, & Y% ether. The % of kerosene and ether were determined so that when I added my normal % of oil the mixture numbers came out where I wanted them.
If you want control over the ingredients you'll need to buy them yourself. The secret to getting the chemical houses to sell to you seems to be getting through their account establishment process and having a shipping address that they recognize as a commercial address. For instance, Sigma Aldrich has determined that Ferrocene is a hazardous material and will not ship it to a residential address.
By some definition I guess Dihydrogen Oxide could be considered hazardous and it's distribution controlled.
bill bischoff:
Water you saying, Dave? I guess it can be lethal if you inhale too much...
Dave Rolley:
Gulp, you got it... H^^
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