Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing > F2C CL Team Race


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Chris Wilson:
From what I can I gather the world wide trend with model diesel fuel ingredients is that the individual has little chance of buying ether due to the illegal use of it elsewhere.

A business or club has a far greater chance and the individual then usually buys from that group and this is where trust comes in.
You would have to show that your intended use is in model diesel use and not  ........ elsewhere.

Individual competitors do not buy ether directly. Its only gathered through trust and intention through very small closed shops or groups.

So, asking individuals directly is going to be a poor way to obtain it and alienating an active world class user by saying 'sod off' is hardly going to improve matters.

That and the start of the sarcasm by " Never happen, makes too much sense right" belittles the formula as it stands.

Les Akre:
I am able to purchase ether as an individual, however, I have to purchase it through one of the local businesses that has an account with Fischer Scientific, I can't purchase direct from Fischer Scientific.
The end result is that it costs me more for that one ingredient than all the others, but at least its available to me.



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