Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing > F2C CL Team Race

F2C noise documents


Steve Wilk:
This recently from Peter Halman, chairman of the F2 Technical Committee.

Dear Flyers
A number of documents relating to F2C noise control are now available on the CIAM website http://www.fai.org/ciam-documents click on Documents then F2 Control Line then Other Documents.  You will find details of the work done by Rob Metkemijer, the presentation given by Derek Heaton at the 2014 F2 World Championships plus information on the simple but effective muffler tested by Rob Fitzgerald.
When I receive information from you about noise reduction tests and testing with the 3.0mm venturi I will publish the information on the same page.
Please pass this information to any F2C flyers you know who are not on this distribution list.
Best regards
Peter Halman
F2 Subcommittee Chairman


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