Contest Calendar at a glance > Event's

2026 - F4B world Championships


Fred Cronenwett:
If you are interested in flying in F4B in 2026 on the USA team...This gives you time to get ready for the team trials in 2025

The 2026 F4 scale World Championship’s will be held at Buckminster, United Kingdom.
The 2025 U S F4 team trials (tentatively) will be held in Muncie at AMA.

Get your F4B C/L scale project started. Some that are on the 2024 team will not be participating for the 2026 team, so there will be room for new pilots.

Let’s field a full C/L scale team. Get started now.

Allen Goff F4 chairman
765 759 7473

Fred Cronenwett:
The FAI group confirmed that the 2026 F4B world Championships will be held in Buckminster, UK

to see the flying site with google maps enter these GPS coordinates: 52.777138, -0.704075


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