Electric Stunt > ESC Settings

Jeti Spin 66 pro compatible with Igor Burger controller/Accel?

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frank williams:
Am I correct in assuming that the Pro version will work with the constant RPM setting on the Spin 66 ESC.?

The non-Pro 66 3D=Heli is needed to have the freq response for the active accelerometer system.

Is this correct?

Igor Burger:

--- Quote from: frank williams on December 10, 2020, 07:51:28 PM ---Am I correct in assuming that the Pro version will work with the constant RPM setting on the Spin 66 ESC.?

The non-Pro 66 3D=Heli is needed to have the freq response for the active accelerometer system.

Is this correct?

--- End quote ---

Hi Frank, yes, it will work ok with constant speed timer, just you must set all parameters separately, not like on non-pro version like "type of aircraft". It will also allow to set timer for 100% throttle and set rpm in ESC with jetibox (MIN and MAX with difference of 50 RPM).

Also be carefull what you do on those 2 servo cables, I am not sure if it is safe if your timer on one cable will start motor and you are on the another cable with Jetibox. Non-pro version cannot start in such mode, but this pro probably can, because jetibox is monitor of running parameters. I am not sure, it is necessary to test and be carefull.

frank williams:
Thanks Igor
I've been using your passive timer and esc to set rpm limits.
I have to disconnect black servo wire from timer when programming esc through red servo wire

dc stunt:
The only esc that works with my Plattenberg motor is Igor’s spin.
It has a very crucial function that no other esc has besides that heli 3D
. This particular esc has a motor pole function. By selecting the proper pole of
your motor, the calibration of ms matches between the motor and the esc thus
rpm can be set correctly where there are enough room for your Max/min.

I have tried using Talon 60 with my Plat and it didn’t work at all. Our initials are always set
at 2.0 ms/1.25ms.  So for the pwm to work properly. It’s best for our rpm to be some where
In the middle, can’t be too high or too low, otherwise there is no room to accelerate or decelerated.


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