I have confirmed that EFLA325A cannot be programmed and I bought another ESC that supposed to be good to 30 Amps.
This one was seriously overheating in 24-27.7 A range after 1.5-2 minutes and was shutting down the motor.
I have returned it and bought another one, also 30 Amps.
This one, Sky Surfer 30A ESC Hobbywing (
www.sonicmodell.com) is programmable and is getting barely warm after five minutes run on the ground.
I am running Cobra 2808/22 (Kv=1330) with 9x6 APC E prop. turning CCW on 3S 2200mAh 30C Battery with this ESC and KR governor.
The model is made of paper-foam-paper sandwich, weights 25.5 oz RTF and is rather small but flies surprisingly well on 50' 0.012 lines.
Please see the attachment showing today's ground tests using eLogger and the RPM sensor.
The data from flight tests will follow.