Electric Stunt > ESC Settings

CC Talon35 - BadAss 2814 - 870kv - Fixed rpm


Dennis Toth:
Getting my just finished E Barnstomer ready for first flights and setting up the CC Talon35 ESC. The motor is a BadAss 2814 - 870Kv running 5S -1600 HobbyStar pack. As I went through the programing steps I was trying to get a setup similar to the one I have in my E Stuka. The E Stuka has a Turnigy 35 42B - 1000Kv on TP Prolite 4S - 2200 turning a 10x7 APCE P prop at 9754rpm, drawing for the OTS pattern 1700mah. The Stuka setup would translate to around 1360mah in a 5S pack, which is great.

I use a very simple setup with my electrics, I use the timer to control the motor start delay (20 sec) and set the flight time, I use the ESC in Fixed RPM mode to control the rpm, simple straight forward works fine, kinda like the old FOX35, Superfuel, 10x6 prop for IC.

Problem is with the current Talon ESC after I input all the motor information I when to input the fixed rpm it indicated that the 9750 rpm was too low for good governor operations. I have an identical CC Talon 35 ESC in another ship with the same 5S pack motor is a BadAss 2320 - 820Kv and it was fine at 9650 rpm. All the settings for gain, timing and voltage are the same. Anyone know if I just go ahead and put the rpm I want in, will it still govern correctly?

Best,     DennisT

Dennis Toth:
OK, weather was good for motor test and it ran just fine, held rpm, no surges. Next will be short test flight to set controls and see lap time. I will likely need to adjust the prop diameter to reduce the amps to make the flight time. Current prop is an APCE P 10x7 pulling 21 amp static. From my spreadsheet it looks like I need to get down to 18 amps static to make the 4min 40 sec flight time for the OTS pattern. Will check a few props to see what I can get.

Best,   DennisT

Crist Rigotti:
I would think a 10 X 5 would be good.

Ken Culbertson:
Your setup is not all that different from my Twister (RIP)  Cobra 2820/12, Edge 50, Hubin FM-9 4s 2200 battery.  I was able to fly a full Open pattern and land with about 15% remaining.  I used a MAS 3 blade 10-6 prop.  7 is a lot of pitch for Stunt.  With the 3 blade you can back off on RPM.  Another thought might be a lighter prop like the BadAss 10-6.


Dennis Toth:
I talked to Castle tech today and he indicated that as long as the amps aren't over what the ESC is rated for it will work but it is not in the optimum but will work just need to watch that it doesn't get over around 150F. Checking mine motor, battery can grab them after flight so all seems good.

Best,   DennisT


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