here are the settings I use for the castle edge lite 50 with hubin fm9 timer.
Vehicle type, control line
throttle type, governor mode, governor high
govener gain (custom) 50 (100%)
initial spool up, med 5
Head speed change rate, med 5
Motor Gearing info
no gearing direct drive
KV of motor, 950
magnetic poles, 12 (eflite Power 15)
brake strength, 100% hard
Brake delay, .5 sec
brake ramp, very fast
cut offs
cut off voltage, auto Lippo volts per cell 3.2
Voltage cut off type, soft cut off
current limiting, normal 70A
current cut off type, soft cut off
motor start power, med 59
motor timing, normal 5
direction, forward
PWM rate, 12 khz
Motor gearing, direct drive
kv 950
poles 12
Battery voltage 14.80 (4s)
power on beep, enabled
Bec voltage 5.0 volts
Hubin Fm9, Phoenix New High for Edge Lite 50
Phoenix High RPM for Ice Lite 50
RPM, 9800
Hope that helps,