Why would that be ?

Great Picture.
When I was in grade school our Dad took us out to Woldchamberlain Field(not sure, it was a loooong time ago.) Virtually any one could walk in. There was an area up on the roof for Plane Watchers.
We went right up to watch. It was pretty impressive, that's for sure. A military fighter jet came out of the hanger and headed down to the end of the runway. It was a VooDoo(forget the number) I didn't know all the specs but I had learned it could fly supersonic. It went out of sight about half a mile away, behind some hangars. It rumbled there for about 5 minutes and then we heard an explosion. It took a few seconds for the plane to roll out from the hangars, roaring like I was standing next to the track when 3 diesel locomotives were pulling a 100 car consist.
Right in front of us it really exploded, just as it was going behind more hangars. Did it blow up?? 3-4 seconds it came out from behind the last hangar about roof high going fast. It got louder for a bit as it climbed up faster and faster until it vanished. It was still louder than than any plane I'd heard before.
Woopee! That really made my Day!
Teaching Kids- many years later we went to see a Blue Angels airshow at the Harrisburg Airport about 1975. The three kids and wife came. The Blue Angels were flying the fairly early twin engine Hornets . Along with 4-5 other demos there was a short break The Angels came right from behind us, may 150 feet and making a ton of noise. They did a very exciting show and then disappeared for 3-4 minutes. Suddenly four planes exploded from behind us. We were about 200 feet from the side of the runway. The planes did the "Flower" ( I think it's called) about five hundred feet away over the river.
The kids were really excited by every turn around. One plane came our way after several other maneuvers- right over out heads. He did it twice, no more than 100ft banked way over. Tf One time the pilot lifted his face shield, waved briefly, flipped it up and flew over no about 100 ft. The engine noise wasn't deafening. He must have cut the turbines back a bit so as to no blow anyone's eardrums.
Wonderful Demo!
Phil C
Phil Cartier