Aerodynamic counterbalances, to *reduce the control loads*, which seems on point.
Sorry, I didn't express myself well. I'm looking at a very nice 3-view of an Extra 230, and the counterbalances are on pronounced levers but they are just cylinders with rounded ends -- so they're going to produce very little lift. The 3-view is accompanied by photos of some three different planes, all with counterweights that match the drawing. The book is copyright 1998.
However, I could see how replacing that weight with a flat plate would do just what you're talking about -- I assume that's used on this sort of airfoil in full-size practice?
I did try looking in the article to see why that airfoil is used and whether the plane is known for excess control forces, but the book is in German, which I know just well enough to feel that I ought to know what I'm reading, but not well enough to pull sense out of it without slowing down to about four paragraphs per hour.