Think it depends if the aerodynamic side loads exceed the gravitational / g force . Thus perpendicular leadouts get perpendicular aeroplanes .
Hurricane had Diheadral , assymetric centersection aft of spar ,
and as somebody didnt trim the T E fore & aft to mate the straight plan line , it forced 2 mm washout on the 57 span FSR 40 / G 51 , version .
Current 67 in is unchanged anywhere , as V smooth in coastal winds , and a tight Sq Cnr .
A octave or two more responsive , or more tippy toey - Inverted .
Presumably the Wash IN inverted has the LIFT at the earth side and other things over - is my perception of that idiosycrousey .However its spelked .
Other is marvelous though under the top loop in the V - 8 , alowing you to ' Hit ' the Control shift to the lower inside seemingly with all the time in the world .
A Martin Baker MB 3 , done with Al Rabes Formular and Airfoils , 20 Oz Sq Ft loading , seemingly flew itself ' on the line ' through the pattern .
It didnt have the Anti Yaw rudder , which in This Case in hindsight was careless . Regularly flow in good sailing weather , Never hit the deck .
Ordinarilly the full schedule , all but a few flights opening the wing joint with repeat Squares in a stiff breeze .
Frightening into the loop of the V 8 from inverted at 45 Deg . But this plane seemed to have a autopilot . Smooth and no bounce
with consistant bottoms .
Tho a 440 dodge on a skid pan with a stuck throttle might be as relaxing. Generally 5.0 per lap , down to 4.8 in 20 knot air ,
like anyone else . Only ever one picture , still got the plan . Never shoulda given the wings away . Like the Mewgull empenage .
Wich was kindova Sweeper Or Adaminsin like devise , with abit of Beringer thrown in . That Also was good , smooth , stable in wind .
Bar a 2 foot tip osscilation through the ' Wind Shear ' 60 ft up crosswind , on the coast . Blowing like stink .
A Spitfire , Aerodynamically pretty much a pirate of compostella's 4 stroke thing , when later ' diheadralled ' as it was built to be
convertable to , saw it go to livelier with the diheadral . Bit like going from a round to a Trigonic Tyre . As in lighter control response.
No other changes whatsoever other than leadouts refed parrallel again . Or is that tangental ? , Flat Anyway , Er Perpendicular , even .
A Eliptical Spitfire & another 65 span Mewgull ( which is aerodynamically unrelated to the small flap B I G 72 in one one . )
Then theres the P-38 .
My observation is the presumably inward flow with fuse as catchfence , gets good outsides & ground effect ,
where if your not carefull , or out of trim , Mush on insides , as the airs forced outward, at entry & exit .
Youll notice this if the speeds off , outside its comfortable area . GENERALLY its not a bother .
Wether one automatically compensates I couldnt say , but you do deliberately when / if its ' off song ' , propellor wise , motorvationally that is .