all true, but I have no tools to mathmatically define it,, and I caught later that you are asking for the cumulative, but the x axis still is about roll, not rotation,,
the y axis, then would be 1080 degrees cumulative for three loops
the z is still about yaw and well, maybe if you arelooking with respect to a spot on the ground directy under the start of the mayever, then you would have 22.5 degrees of circumfrance rotation ( bad terminology) and the same aft of the start point but it would take trig or some other magic to figure out how many degrees of rotation about the z axis you experience as you move fore and aft doing the loops,,
yeah I can talk myself into a couple ways to look at it,
if you take the "Fancher aproach" and break it down, the airplane would in fact rotate 360 degrees about z axis in one lap,, to visualize put the airplane at the center of the circle and the pilot flying around the circle,, the airplane would rotate that full 360 degrees per lap, a loop takes 45 degrees or 1/8 of a lap so in simplest terms covering 1/8 or 45 degrees each loop one would think that you would cover 135 degrees of z axis rotation,, but I feel thats not completely accurate,,