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Robert Zambelli:
Three men, a doctor, lawyer  and engineer were in France and all were convicted of a capital crime.
They were sentenced to the guillotine.
The doctor places his head on the block and the executioner pulls the trip cable.
Nothing happens, the blade is jammed at the top.
This is declared an act of God and the man is pardoned.
The exact same things happens with the lawyer and he is also pardoned.
The engineer approaches the block, looks up and says “Hey, I can fix that blade”.


And for all the pointy-haired managers in the room .....(This isn't funny because it is too true!)

 An Incomplete Theory of Management Evolution

If the hierarchy of management is comprised of those who get there
based on how good they _look_ instead of how good they _do_, it
will inevitably become totally populated by that kind of person.

Corollary 1:
They _will_ make the kind of decisions that are politically in
favor (i.e., "what the boss wants to hear") regardless of the
technical factors.

Corollary 2:
Credit for success will be usurped, blame for failure will be

Corollary 3:
Glossy-back information is sacred.

Corollary 4:
"Honesty" and "ethics" are not a part of their vocabulary, which
is entirely comprised of quotes from glossy-backed advertisements.
(See Corollary 3.)

Corollary 5:
Any organization with a management hierarchy large enough to consider
"flattening" should be.

Corollary 6:
Any organization large enough to consider "Quality Assurance" or
"Metrics" to be organizational instead of inherent is too large
and ultimately must fail.

Corollary 7:
A "Quality Program" is evidence of management failure.

    Corollary 7a:
    Quality cannot be "dictated" into a product.

    Corollary 7b:
    Quality will always be sacrificed to schedule.

    Corollary 7c:
    "Quality" is too often a management buzzword.

When significant figures are optional...



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