Intresting to see the 60 Deg. deflection . Presumably at 0 Deg. A.o.A. ?

What the actual angle of attack IS in Loops and our Five Foot Radius ' square Corners , would take at least a fixed posn. slowmo camera , or telemetry . ?

ditto etc . tempted to throw Pic of my Yak here , with ' ice cream cone ' airfoil . Was Light 43 odd Oz. ' before shipping ' . unfortunately trashed .
Tests at a rearish C. G. ( fairly touchy as in required a steady hand ) had it poping a tight clean corner if you wung over /


and hit Full Up at the 15 Ft. Mark saw it well clear and flat ( no bounce ) at around ten foot ish .
repairs saw it wrentaWreckish , and touching 50 + Oz . ( its 53 odd span , ish . 53 or 4 ) . Scaled at 40 / 60th area for a 40 from My original 60 drg. of 192000.
Id left the U/C ( undercarrage / chassis ) off , as retacts on a Yak fighter are perpendicular to the pintal ( pivot ) .
the Sym. section 'd crank the leg fwd , just . down

Airfoils With Vs. Without Stationary Flaps
Both Actually !

flap ends out on fifth open bay , there . ( Ailerons are FIXED )
Better Picture ; pretty much think I coudve stuck with this rather than the general w.o.f.t.a.m.
co-ordinated rudder deflection seems helpfull to counter yaw , or o.m.g. into top of hourglass & into clover , in wind .
etc .& inertia .( of tip Wt. )

Seems to me tapered ( less % chord outboard ) flaps are better suited to a Stiff Breeze / turbulance .
though experiments with the little Phantom ( Noblerish ) with the last bay ( flap ) fixed & 1/8 Sht run tru aft from highpoint to & 1/2 span ( o.a. )
reduced vortice wakes working hard so their destabilisation was quatered .
The Commie 60s 2/3rd span suckers ' we ' presumed were to allow the outer wing to fly ' clean ' or unstalled . at Least ' outside ' buffet @ stall approach .
Presumably .
Other trick is to use flaps as ' trimmers ' presumably as per Beringer , setting the wing to + bouyancy , as it were .
The 72s about Airworthy again , Will tryn get a camera on it , airborne . works as per This theory . v Smooth in still air .
A ancient ( 60s ) American Aircraft modellor ? ( the old blottish paper B&W type ) Had an Article proscibing
flaps ( For C/L stunt ) were first used to stop the ' pitch ' into the corner - whereby the Tail first Dropped ,
before a Inside was entered . Looking oafish .
promulgated tail end was trown out to counter length of nose ( engine & Tank ) to posn. of acceptable balance unbalasted !
If I recall Wright .
Now DRAG as you mentioned .
Proposed that power to Weight WASNT the correct primary equation , But Power to Drag . And make it as light as practical .
By balancing to output to the drag , the airspeed was controlled at at the Light weight ( Lb Drag exceeds Lb Wt . maybe 3/2

? )

havnt found trace of this ( a copy - lately ) but presume was common knowledge as in your National press ! .
Anyone find that & we're in for a read . Mayve been Larry scarinzi ( scuse the spelink ) or that era .