Engine basics => Engine set up tips => Topic started by: YakNine on January 10, 2011, 04:59:39 PM

Title: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: YakNine on January 10, 2011, 04:59:39 PM
Hi Guys I am slowly getting back into building models and flying after 25 years away.  I have an OS 40-H R/C NIB that my Dad bought in the early 80's and we never used. If all goes well this coming flying season and I feel my flying skills are ready to move up to it I am dying to build a Vector 40 for next winters project. Will this engine be strong enough and light enough for the Vector or would I be better off with another engine, I would like to use this engine because it was mine and my Dad's and I already have it and its paid for, a venturi a needle valve and a new glow plug and it should be ready to go for around 30 - 40 bucks. Thanks T.J.
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: Bill Little on January 10, 2011, 07:06:01 PM
Hi TJ,

As to "power", no problem.  It is a pretty strong .40   A lot of them were used when they came out for Stunt.  IIRC, Bob Hunt used one in his F-105 (a pretty good sized plane for a ".40") which was published in FM.

I do not know how the weight stacks up to the Aero Tiger .36, Magnum .36, etc..   But I don't believe it would be a great big problem.

Others will jump in I am sure. ;D

Big Bear
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: Air Ministry . on January 11, 2011, 02:44:25 AM
Use GOOD oil in the FUEL .
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: YakNine on January 13, 2011, 07:46:38 PM
Thanks for the replys and putting up with all my questions , I have been going a little stir crazy since we put house on the market the extra room got repainted and a bed with fluffy pillows and such and is "NOT TO BE USED TO WORK ON YOUR LITTLE AIRPLANES" gulp, yes dear... all my plane stuff is all buried in the front end of a PODS storage container where I cant get to it, I think she did that on purpose! I have my.15 Akromaster kit hidden but I don't dare make any balsa dust in the house now and the garage is to cold. At least I can dream of nice flying days and surf the web, look on Ebay at $250.00 "rare hard to find Fox 35's!" and watch other people flying on U-tube. I cant believe how much has changed in 25 years since I used to fly 1/2 A , can't wait to get started again T.J.
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: Steve Helmick on January 13, 2011, 09:59:22 PM
I would be more concerned with tank space than power or weight. Those older engines do not get the mileage that a modern ABC/ABN/AAC engine gets. Part of that is that the fuel has more oil and less combustibles. Running a 4-2-4 will of course waste a lot of fuel, but even with a similar setting, I think you'd find fuel consumption much worse with your old OS .40H.   :P Steve
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: Dennis Moritz on January 14, 2011, 07:20:22 AM
It's possible to fit a 5.5 ounce Brodak tank in a Vector.
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: YakNine on January 14, 2011, 10:59:33 AM
I didnt think about the fuel issue, Maybe I will break down and buy an Evo .36 to put in it and save the OS for a Chipmunk down the road.T.J.
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: Balsa Butcher on January 14, 2011, 11:12:23 AM
I would bench run your 40H to see how long it will run on 4-4.5 ounces. This size tank fits easily into a Vector 40. You can also get an idea of what type of run to expect and its starting characteristics. Fuel consumption can also be regulated by venturi size and nitro content in the fuel. Not all older engines are fuel hogs. I have found OS 35s' to be some of the thriftiest engines going. Evo 36's are know to be very thirsty...and powerful. I wouldn't use one if fuel capacity is an issue.  8)
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: Bill Little on January 14, 2011, 11:26:01 AM
I didnt think about the fuel issue, Maybe I will break down and buy an Evo .36 to put in it and save the OS for a Chipmunk down the road.T.J.

WE have  Brodak "Magnum" style 4.5 (4 1/2oz) tank in one right now and it has easily another 1" plus left of room.  So I have no doubt a 5.5 oz. Brodak "Magnum" will fit.  The "Magnum style" is the typical square/wedge side type such as a Veco T-21E except the fill/over flow lines are run different.

So, full should not be a problem, unless that OS .40H has a venturi the size of the Grand Canyon! LOL!!!!!!

Big Bear

Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: Air Ministry . on January 19, 2011, 08:16:59 PM
The stock H-40 S has a bigger Ventyrie bore than the large FSRS one ! Did they come with two sizes stock , or just the large ? .
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: Robertc on January 20, 2011, 03:46:46 PM
I bought my H 40 new in the blue box around 1975.  One of my favorite engines of any period.
Mine came with two venturis.  The small was fitted.  Came with a plastic package with a LARGE
venturi, pressure fitting and allen wrench.  My engine weighs 8.5 oz.
Title: Re: OS 40-H in a Vector 40 ?
Post by: YakNine on January 21, 2011, 06:33:34 PM
Mine is an R/C engine as soon as I get my tax returns back I am going to send an order off to Randy for a couple  needle valves and a venturi for the 40H at least so I can run it, I decided to stop thinking ahead so much though and concentrate on finishing my Akromaster and then a Brodak lightning Streak to practise with and make sure I remember how to fly, so I will see how that goes first, I am lucky that my local club is the Garden State Circle Burners and they seem to have a good retread program, I went to the 40th aniversary of Old Time Stunt and they seem like a super bunch of guys. T.J.