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Author Topic: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA  (Read 109445 times)

Offline adam collver

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #50 on: November 20, 2013, 10:46:18 PM »
How much does it cost to modify a 46?

Offline Mark Scarborough

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2013, 12:44:03 AM »
0$ in  my book,, its pretty solid out of the box,,,
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Offline adam collver

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #52 on: December 15, 2013, 10:29:22 AM »
Is a 46 to much for a vector ?

Offline Brad LaPointe

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #53 on: December 15, 2013, 11:27:30 AM »

I think the LA .46 is one of the most popular engines for the Vector . I'm using one in my new Vector. Short of an Aerotiger .36 the LA should be as good as anything .

If you get out to the Balsabeavers field or down here in Dresden (Bean Field) you can most likely find someone with a Vector . They do fly nice .

Brad LaPointe
MAAC 5418L

Offline Bozidar Karanovic

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #54 on: December 30, 2013, 08:31:13 AM »
This set-up might of special interest for UK fliers.
Wet 2 Stroke.

Venturi: 7mm

NVA: Super Tigre large

Diameter and Pitch:12,25 X  3,75

Brand: Formula Irvine
Oil% and "Blend": Klotz Techniplate (18%). Add 80ml of the same oil to 1L of ready made fuel. That will rise the oil content to 24%.
Quantity used:135cc. I have substituted the plastic back plate for aluminium one from FP .40, and used FP .40 CL muffler with exhaust opening enlarged to 8mm diameter. However that set-up used to give me the revs in region of 9800 which resulted in fast 4,8" lap time. When I changed to regular RC muffler with silent cone things went more normal to 9400-9600 and lap time of 5,2" - 5,4". Give it a try, if you model is less then 1400g then you should have no problem with power / line tension on 19,5m lines.
Best of luck,
Theo   H^^

Offline Laurence Colon

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #55 on: May 11, 2014, 01:51:06 PM »
I know this might sound dumb, but where do you folks get the metal back plates
for the 46?

I have googled just about every where I can think of.

Thanks much..

Offline Geoff Goodworth

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #56 on: May 11, 2014, 08:02:22 PM »
It's not a dumb question Laurence. The backplate from the FP 35/40 fits the LA 40/46 and I bought a couple of OS parts when Tower was running out their FP parts stock. There is, however, a member of this forum who runs an NC machine shop. He supplies new backplates. Somebody here will tell you who it is.

The first thing I did when I received my LA 46s was replace the cross-head screws with cap heads and, of course, replace the backplates.

I was quite surprised at how easy it was to undo the backplate screws. They are tight enough but nowhere near as tight as those on a metal backplate. I suspect that so long as you do not tighten the screws so tight that you distort the plastic backplate, you should be OK. Flat washers under the M3 screws might help as well.

Offline Laurence Colon

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #57 on: May 11, 2014, 09:17:08 PM »
Thanks much.

Will deffinately replace the stock screws with metric allen screws first.
Will wait for a responce on the back plate from some one.

Offline Neil Roshier

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #58 on: June 01, 2014, 04:02:21 AM »
I have appreciated seeing all of this information, but a previous comment about the glow-plug used is correct, it would fill in the picture more. I've just ordered a pair of 46LA-S' and will check what plugs they arrive with, but OS seem to recommend their No6/A3 Hot or OS8 Medium - do people use use these?

Offline Daniel_Munro

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #59 on: July 17, 2014, 01:43:59 AM »
I just swapped out my only recently run in OS .40fp on my Banshee for a well used LA46, a blue one converted from rc.

Has the small .40FP venturi and a standard OS needle valve, rc clunk tank made uniflow.

Zinger 11x5 wood. Merlin hot plug.

Fuel, 18% castor, 5% nitro, 77% methanol.

I couldn't be happier, this thing 4/2 breaks beautifully and has just the perfect amount of power for my Banshee. Which has been modified, 53 inch span, shorter nose longer tail etc, also increased tail area by about 30%.


Offline Garf

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #60 on: August 24, 2014, 08:44:17 AM »
For the LA 46, I use a fuel mix of 5% N, 15% C and 5% KL-200. Stock venturi, 1 extra head shim, and XOAR 12 x 4 prop. Also a Tower 40 muffler, stock stunt tank and muffler pressure. Uses 3 3/4 oz per pattern. Tank back angled out slightly.

Offline Garf

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #61 on: August 24, 2014, 08:48:51 AM »
I have appreciated seeing all of this information, but a previous comment about the glow-plug used is correct, it would fill in the picture more. I've just ordered a pair of 46LA-S' and will check what plugs they arrive with, but OS seem to recommend their No6/A3 Hot or OS8 Medium - do people use use these?

When I had the head off my 46, the recommended plug came up short. I put an american plug in and it fit perfectly. I like the OS 4 stroke plug too.

Offline Scott Richlen

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #62 on: August 24, 2014, 02:54:32 PM »
We don't use the metal backplates.  We use what they come with and just cut off the stem for the rear needle valve/venturi mount.  Dick Houser does a "clean-up" on these engines and just uses an anerobic sealer (made for auto use) as a gasket for the plastic backplate and is careful not to over-tighten the machine screws.  Works great and we have had no problems.  Our LA-46s are extremely reliable.

Now the one problem we have had is with tanks.  To the point that I make my own as do other club members.  Once building season starts, Dick and I are going to do a workshop for NVCL on tank making.


Offline John Craig

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #63 on: September 16, 2014, 10:37:28 AM »
My $0.02

No expertise, never run an OS 46 LA, with some slight modification I have converted 2 used  R/C LA 46s for C/L. I am cheap (why waste fuel @ $25/gal)  & soon will have planes ready to fly them on.  After reading these posts it appears, if I assembled ten 46 LA users in a room I could easily obtain 13 different opinions on how to set up & run an OS 46 LA.  ~^

Searching past posts these were the most helpful; understanding the different setups & what they can do, in somewhat order of value: : ???,18819.0.html,6285.msg51626.html#msg51626,13738.0.html,21431.0.html

Offline Chris Belcher

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #64 on: November 21, 2014, 09:47:08 AM »
I have found a sweet set up...tried most of the ones mentioned above and they were all great but muffler and prop certainly make a huge difference. Replace back plate with metal one from FP40, ST needle, .272 venturi, no added shims, Eather 11.5 x 5.5 repitched to 4.25, old E762 muffler with stinger cut off (came with old FP40S engines) launch at 9800 (calm) 10,000 (windy). Solid 2 stroke. No sagging and no speed up...even in high winds. And here's the biggest kicker of all...3.5 ozs with 8-10 laps to spare!! Just runs like a clock. Easy starts and plenty of predictable power. Went from 62 to 65 foot lines with this set up and everything just slowed down a bit where i can practice shapes instead of just "completeing" the pattern.
Truly is an amazing engine for $85. Got 3 total and they all act a little different...funny huh?...but all good. This set up has 100s of flights...literally hundreds.

Offline Scott Richlen

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #65 on: November 21, 2014, 02:37:49 PM »
Probably the reason so many people can find success with this engine running so many (slightly) different set-ups is that it is just a good stunt engine.  What we are seeing is not so much getting it set up for stunt, but the individual flyer's preferences in engine run...


Offline Chris Belcher

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #66 on: November 22, 2014, 11:01:11 AM »
I agree...I just had better luck when i stopped trying to get it to break...solid 2 is the trick...i know it still "breaks".... just all that trying to get it to come on and off was just time wasting. Solid 2 and low pitch and just fly!! great motor...and  never seem to wear out.  I added up this summers flights...over 120 and I was using the same motor last year for more than my opinion.

Offline Dane Martin

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #67 on: November 22, 2014, 01:29:04 PM »
tongue muffler from RSM
OS venturi - small, from a 25LA-S (.250 i believe?!?)
OS NVA from the FP series.
12.25 x 3.75 apc prop.
10-11-11 excalibur fuel.

LA series are definitely my favorite. there are better engines, but these are cheap, easy to run, and easy to find parts.
and I'm with Chris on the run. just a solid 2 low pitch and experiment with line length. once its tuned and broke in, one flip starts forever!

Offline Scott Richlen

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #68 on: November 24, 2014, 07:03:56 AM »
By the way, I made a uni-flow tank with the uni-flow positioned per Paul Walker's recent reply in another topic (uniflow vent goes from inner side of tank towards outer side, actual vent faces forward and is positioned halfway back instead of at rear of tank.)  It is giving me an even better run with my LA-46.


Offline Carl Cisneros

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #69 on: October 28, 2015, 10:21:58 AM »
1st 46LA  Primary Force

stock motor with stock head clearance.
7mm venturi with Enya NVA
10% Nitro with 11/11 oil
APC 12/4 prop
Uniflo tank on muffler pressure.

2nd 46LA   Brodak Smoothy Kit

stock motor with stock head clearance.
7mm venturi with Enya NVA
10% Nitro with 11/11 oil
Xoar 12/4 prop
Uniflo tank on muffler pressure

both motors run on a wet 2 cycle and solid running thru out the flight.

oh, both motors have the stock plasticback plates that I have seal with the black anarobic sealer from Auto zone. no leakage problems at all.

Carl R Cisneros, Dist IV
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Online Brett Buck

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #70 on: December 09, 2015, 03:57:06 PM »
Note that there is no good reason to replace the cross-head screws with Allen heads (or "socket cap screws" before one of my stalkers corrects me again). A #2 JIS screwdriver (from Hozan or Vessel) fits perfectly and you will break the head off before the screwdriver slips. It's *far* more secure than the small 2.5 MM Allen driver on the replacement screws.


Offline Scott Richlen

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #71 on: December 10, 2015, 08:26:08 AM »
I used to wallow out the heads of my muffler bolts on OS engines before I realized that they were Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) and not Phillips.  There is a significant difference between the two and JIS is much better.  Years ago I ordered a set of  JIS screwdrivers from Central Hobbies in Billings MT.  I've been very happy with them.


Offline Chris Wilson

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #72 on: December 10, 2015, 04:43:08 PM »
Note that there is no good reason to replace the cross-head screws with Allen heads (or "socket cap screws" before one of my stalkers corrects me again). A #2 JIS screwdriver (from Hozan or Vessel) fits perfectly and you will break the head off before the screwdriver slips. It's *far* more secure than the small 2.5 MM Allen driver on the replacement screws.

Hmmm, the 'good' reason that I like Allen heads is that it is painfully obvious as to which size key must be used, they either do not fit the head at all or spin uselessly if you get the wrong one - not so with a tapered star head as you can bludgeon either system into use with the inevitable 'camming out' issues.

And it gets worse with a good coating of castor and grit to identify between JIS and Philips.
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Offline Adam micheal Collver

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #73 on: January 16, 2016, 08:27:07 AM »
since im still a beginner im just going to run everything stock and what the instructions tell me. im building a brodak profile oriental for this engine. anybody have the same combo? im going with a brodak uniflow tank what size would be recommended four or five ounce, and how long of lines?
thanks in advance !


Offline RknRusty

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #74 on: February 12, 2016, 09:55:01 PM »
since im still a beginner im just going to run everything stock and what the instructions tell me. im building a brodak profile oriental for this engine. anybody have the same combo? im going with a brodak uniflow tank what size would be recommended four or five ounce, and how long of lines?
thanks in advance !

Adam my Cardinal with a stock LA 46 starts burping out of gas in the clover with the 4.5 oz tank unless I run it leaner than I prefer with 10/22 fuel and a 12x4 APC prop. I could possibly get by with going to 5% nitro, or a larger tank. There's plenty of extra tank room, so that's what I'll probably do. Mainly because all my other planes use 10/22 fuel and I don't want to buy 5% for just one plane. It could run leaner and still be safe, but I prefer it a bit on the wet side, and it seems happy that way, and will last longer too. I do not try to get a real 4-2 break, because as designed, it's a really sweet 2 stroker. Your fuel economy may also be different depending on your location, that is temperature, altitude, barometric pressure, etc.

As for lines, I use 62' .015" 7-strand lines. If you don't like wrapping your own terminations, buy the Tom Morris lines from Stunthangar Hobby. They are as well made as you can buy. Just place the order with a note as to the length you want him to make. I also highly recommend his unbiased cable handles too. Just shape the final details to fit your hand, wipe on a coat of polyurethane and it's good to go.

Also being a beginner, you'll find that if you bust that Oriental, a full fuse plane is a pain in the ass to repair, if it can be repaired. My Oriental with an FP.40 and my Cardinal weigh about the same and fly very similarly. The profile Cardinal can be fixed in one or two shop sessions, whereas the full fuse model repair is much more frustrating. Ask me how I know.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 10:43:08 PM by RknRusty »
Rusty Knowlton
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Jackson Flyers Association (a.k.a. The Wildcat Rangers(C/L))- Fort Jackson, SC
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Offline Robert Dible

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #75 on: February 14, 2016, 02:11:43 PM »
I am converting a NIB engine for use on a profile Oriental that is on it's way from Brodak's sale.  I'm planning on using the 7 mm OS Venturi with a ST NVA, but stock otherwise. 

I have seen many references to using the APC 12.25 x 3.75 prop, but when I calculate the airspeed I come up with very low numbers.  So does anyone know just how much this engine prop combination unloads?  I mean if you launch at 10K, you would need to unload to at least 14K to reach 50 mph.  Of course prop pitch is never as simple as a number would indicate. 
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Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #76 on: February 14, 2016, 03:11:17 PM »
I have seen many references to using the APC 12.25 x 3.75 prop, but when I calculate the airspeed I come up with very low numbers.  So does anyone know just how much this engine prop combination unloads?

Enough, although I can't give you numbers.  It doesn't sound like it unloads any more than with a TT 11x4.5, and those only run up to 10,600 or so (I've measured).  That prop has a fairly thick airfoil, so if the pitch is measured on the flat side then it's got more effective pitch than stated.
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline Scott Richlen

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #77 on: February 15, 2016, 05:58:30 AM »
I've had very good performance out of a Zinger Pro 12-4.  Note that this is NOT the standard Zinger.  Make sure it is the Pro.  Also: find yourself an OS-35S muffler and cut off the stinger.

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #78 on: February 15, 2016, 10:32:45 AM »
I'm going to disagree with Scott:  The E-3030 muffler works great if you need nose weight.  If you don't, see if you can find a muffler for a Tower 40.  It's about the same size as an E-3030 but half the weight or less.
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #79 on: May 13, 2016, 04:20:45 PM »
Airplane #1: "Sister Jenny", a modified Twister that weighs in at 54 ounces.

  • Engine appears stock, but came to me used
  • What appears to be a stock venturi with a ST-style needle, and a couple of layers of panty-hose style netting to effectively neck it down a bit
  • Powermaster GMA 10% nitro, 11% castor 11% synthetic oil, with two ounces of Coleman lantern fuel so that it'll fly the pattern on 4 ounces
  • 4 ounce Hayes tank running on muffler pressure
  • Tower muffler
  • Thunder Tiger 11x4.5 prop unmodified but for balancing
  • Launch at about 9600 RPM in a wet 2-stroke -- a good launch flies in a wet 2 throughout, if I get it a hair rich it'll hover around a 4-stroke but still fly the pattern

Airplane #2: "Atlantis", Paul Walker's 1988 WC ship.  About 700 squares and 64 ounces.  Paul told me to put the 46LA in it -- I didn't believe him, but it works, with a nice solid feel throughout and about 5.2 second laps on 65' lines eyelet-to-eyelet.

  • Engine appears stock, it came to me used from Mark Scarborough who was using it for RC so I suspect no mods.
  • RC carburetor with remote needle (I'm doing some weirdo experimentation).  It's roughly the equivalent area of the usual venturi setup.
  • Powermaster GMA 10% nitro, 11% castor 11% synthetic oil, with a couple of ounces of Coleman lantern fuel so that my other plane will fly the pattern on 4 ounces
  • 6 ounce uniflow clunk tank running on atmospheric pressure.
  • Tower muffler
  • APC 11.5x4 prop, cut down to 11.25x4.  This wasn't intentional -- it was a dinged and repaired prop that I was using for fitting things up, which I forgot and left on the plane for the first flights.  It's worked so well I haven't taken it off.
  • Launch at about 9600 RPM in a solid 4-stroke -- I don't know the exact RPM.  The plane has a nice 4-2 transition right where you want it

« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 06:22:53 PM by Tim Wescott »
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #80 on: May 13, 2016, 05:41:04 PM »
Tim, I'm assuming you're adding 2 oz. of Coleman fuel to a gallon, right? I have not tried that.

Mine is an old blackened blue LA that Will Davis gave me for my 51.5 oz. Cardinal.

  • I measured the venturi and promptly forgot what it was, so I'll edit it in later. ST needle valve and no panty choke.
  • Powermaster GMA 10/22 fuel.
  • Enya #3 glow plug
  • APC 12x4 prop with slightly rounded tips. Recently I buzzed 3/8" off each tip on takeoff and I couldn't tell any difference, but I put a new 12x4 on it for now.
  • 6 oz. Sullivan clunk tank, standard vented, with pressure from an RSM tongue muffler with extra holes. It uses 5 oz. for the pattern.
  • I needle by ear for a slightly wet 2 stroke that goes to full 2 when nose-up and stays in a steady 2 throughout the flight.
  • It flies a little fast since it's always windy here, about 5 sec., on 62' eye-to-eye. It climbs straight up in the horsepower maneuvers with very good authority.
  • It shuts off with little or no warning about 5-10 laps after the pattern
Rusty Knowlton
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Jackson Flyers Association (a.k.a. The Wildcat Rangers(C/L))- Fort Jackson, SC
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Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #81 on: May 13, 2016, 06:23:46 PM »
Yes, two ounces.
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline Skip Chernoff

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #82 on: July 04, 2016, 07:51:13 PM »
I'm flying the La 46 in my 45 ounce Sig Akrobat. (Mike Stott design ,similar to Chipmunk)
 Here's my set up:
6oz Round Sullivan Clunk Tank set up with muffler pressure,on tongue muffler
Thunderbolt Plug
7mm venturi with ST NVA
Fuel "Home Brew" 5% Nitro 23% oil 50% Castor 50% Klotz Techniplate
Prop APC 12.25 x great!
65' x.015 lines center of handle to center of plane
Lap times 5.1to 5.3
Engine is stock and gives terrific 4x2x4 break

I hope this info can help some other folks....PhillySkip

Offline Scott Richlen

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #83 on: July 05, 2016, 05:58:21 AM »
I hadn't heard of adding 2 ounces per gallon of Coleman fuel.  What's it do?

Offline RknRusty

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #84 on: July 05, 2016, 08:52:15 AM »
Those that use it say it increases fuel efficiency. Could be true, but I haven't tested it. If you have no room left for an adequately larger tank, then it might be worth experimenting with. If Tim says it works, I'm inclined to believe it. But fuel usage is so dependent on environmental details, I'd try to squeeze that extra pattern time out with the traditional engine tuning methods first.
Rusty Knowlton
... and never Ever think about how good you are at something...
while you're doing it!

Jackson Flyers Association (a.k.a. The Wildcat Rangers(C/L))- Fort Jackson, SC
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Congaree Flyers - Gaston, SC -

Offline Jimmy Bocckinfuso

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #85 on: August 08, 2016, 08:40:20 AM »
I have an OS LA46 on a Cardinal, .300 venturi, ST NVA, 10% fuel, 22% 50/50 oil, 4 1/2 oz Brodak uniflow oval profile tank.  Runs great however it does not cut off clean at the end of flight.  It will burp on and off for probably 5 laps before it quits.  Any suggestion out there in control line world?

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #86 on: August 08, 2016, 09:22:00 AM »
Hi Jimmy,
I had an old metal 4.5 oz. tank on my Cardinal ARF. Also with an ST nva, but I'm not sure of the venturi size. It wasn't enough fuel for the pattern, and burped for a couple of laps. So now I have a 6 oz. Sullivan clunk on pressure from the tongue muffler. With 5 oz. in it it runs all the way up to shutoff with no warning except a slight speed up that you almost don't notice for a half lap... two laps after the Clover. But I can still add a little to it. I haven't flown it in the cold cold winter yet, and it's soon to be my #3 backup.

It could be that the tubes aren't soldered exactly in the right place, and if not secured to the side of the tank, one or both could be ringing like a tuning fork or cracked.

Rusty Knowlton
... and never Ever think about how good you are at something...
while you're doing it!

Jackson Flyers Association (a.k.a. The Wildcat Rangers(C/L))- Fort Jackson, SC
Metrolina Control Line Society (MCLS) - Huntersville, NC - The Carolina Gang
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Offline Mark Scarborough

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #87 on: August 08, 2016, 09:36:20 AM »
I have an OS LA46 on a Cardinal, .300 venturi, ST NVA, 10% fuel, 22% 50/50 oil, 4 1/2 oz Brodak uniflow oval profile tank.  Runs great however it does not cut off clean at the end of flight.  It will burp on and off for probably 5 laps before it quits.  Any suggestion out there in control line world?
firs thing I would try is to cant the back end of the tank oubtboard slightly, like an 1/8"

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #88 on: August 08, 2016, 10:58:56 AM »
Unfortunately, we've seen a lot of bad tanks out there.  And they result in bad engine runs.  Poor soldering, mis-aligned pick-up tubes, unsoldered pick-up or uni-flow tubes, various pieces of "crap" floating around in the tank, etc.  Hint: if you can hear noises when you shake your tank you know you've got problems.

Last winter our club, NVCL, did a shop session dedicated to making tanks.  Sometimes its what ya gotta do.

Buy a tank "kit" from Brodaks and make your own or if you want to scratch build, buy K&S .008 tin sheet, 1/8th inch copper tubing, and look up the posting by Paul Walker describing the tank he was using just before going electric.

Good luck!

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #89 on: August 02, 2017, 06:16:11 PM »
Paul Walker's Atlantis from 1988.  700 square inches of wing, 64 ounces dry.

Run Style: solid 4, "beeping" into 2 at the tops of maneuvers.

Venturi:  Home-made, with the spraybar off to the side (so you look down and see a "D" shaped hole).  Same area as a 0.265" venturi with a stock OS needle, but with some nylon mesh over it to tune the run.

NVA:  Bone stock OS remote needle (!) with a spraybar.  Don't ask.  It's weird, but sensible for the mission of the plane (I'm doing some experimentation).

Make:  APC
Diameter and Pitch:  11.5 x 4, cut down to 11.25 x 4.

Brand:  VP Racing GMA "10/22"
Nitro%:  10%
Oil% and "Blend":  11/11 castor/synthetic
Doctored up with 2oz of Coleman lantern fuel for more mileage with undersized tanks.
Quantity used:  6 ounces.  Probably 6-1/2 if I didn't use the Coleman fuel.

I would not have even attempted this engine in this plane, except that Paul suggested it as an alternative to a (too heavy, in his view) Magnum 52.  It may not be Nats-winning material, but the plane flies way better than I do.
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #91 on: October 27, 2018, 07:18:54 AM »
Sig Twister Slightly Modified

38oz Pre-Crash
40oz Post Crash

.46LA R/C Converted

Aluminum Backplate

Venturi: factory stock


Make:  Thunder Tiger 11 x 4.5

Tank: RSM SnubNose GRW Uniflow 5.25oz

Brand:  PowerMaster 10/22
4.5 oz does pattern. Slightly more than needed but keeps pattern within limited time

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

Jamie Holford
Baton Rouge Bi-Liners
Lafayette, La
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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #92 on: March 04, 2019, 06:25:18 PM »
I'm going to disagree with Scott:  The E-3030 muffler works great if you need nose weight.  If you don't, see if you can find a muffler for a Tower 40.  It's about the same size as an E-3030 but half the weight or less.

Thunder Tiger  36 - 39  muffler works as well as the OS and is lighter, I have them  for 15.00  ot tongues  for  19.99


Online M Spencer

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #93 on: September 16, 2019, 11:21:10 PM »
Er ,

anyone tried fitting a MAGNUM GP 44 Crank into a LA 46 ?

Should fall straight in , bit the groove for big end clearance might split it in two .  :(

Maybe ? need the groove .8 mm deeper ?

Unfortunately strokeing ' quickens ' the sleeve timing.

That Said it'd take it out to .51 Cu.In. or 8.3 c.c ,.

So itd be pretty light & compact for that displacement .

The 35 , 40 & 46 OS are 18.4 mm stroke . The GP 44 is 20 . LA .46 Bore is 23 .  Now , if you got 23 x 23 . . . .  :-X :!

Maybe the LA liner into the GP 44 case'd be less hassle . :-\
« Last Edit: September 17, 2019, 12:46:05 AM by Matt Spencer »

Offline phil c

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #94 on: September 19, 2019, 12:56:16 PM »
One thing in all these engine/prop/fuel/plane comparisons is density altitude.  Ground altitude, +, +. +, temperature, and humidity combine to make big differences.  That explains why one combo will work for one flyer, but not so well for another flyer in another place, or why one engine to can do fine with a particular plane some place and not others.

On the other hand, there is not arguing that a properly developed engine with ball bearings, AAC or ABC piston and liner, and top quality machining will, for a price, outperform a relatively inexpensive mass- produced engine on some instances.

One big advantage of the LA series has been relatively good performance in right-sized planes for very competitive prices. They also adapt easily many different sizes of planes.  OS quality, even on it's budget engines, is way above what we all accepted from Fox years ago.

Unfortunately we're all looking for something else since OS isn't building them anymore.
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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #95 on: September 19, 2019, 02:52:54 PM »
I don't understand why anyone would want to "hop up" the OS 46LA.  They are strong, reliable engines that will work with a variety of fuels, props, glo plugs, etc.  If the model is correctly sized for the stock OS, there is no reason to look for more "performance".

I have several of those engines.  All box-stock and all perform well. 

One example is mounted in this Cub stunter.  Yes, it is a stunter.  Patterned after the plans from Don Hutchinson, only with a few scale details added.
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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #96 on: September 30, 2019, 08:55:46 PM »
Stroking lowers the port timing.

Id check that , the only time the cranks more advanced is inside obtuse around T D C .

dragged a pair to pieces . Looking at LA , max drop'd be 0.7 mm , which'd lower timing one whole degree .Before S P I obviously a Woftam .

Looks like the LA liners   25 od & 44 GP 24 mm od . so no go there . Tho GP 44 & FSR 45 look interchangeable - head bolt pattern too .
For what its worth .  :(, and maybe the LA 46 Liners with the SF 46 OS . :( So maybe a blocked boost or a Gardner LA 46 P/L in a SF 46
could make something of it .

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #97 on: July 21, 2021, 08:44:57 PM »
Hi guys , new to replying ,been reading and absorbing for sometime now, thanks for all the great information.I'm trying to get back into pattern flying again with my new 1972 JVL modified chipmunk ,copying my dads version/plans of the JVL from the 70's . Any way getting down to stats, my model weighs 50 oz's, OS  LA46 up front with a 4.5 oz uniflow tank ( I use tank pressure), tong muffler, APC 12.25 x 3.75, fuel 10%nitro x 23% Klotz x 67% methanol ,running 4 - 2 stroke giving just under 6 minute flights , 5.1 second laps , 65Ft lines center fuse to center handle... I usually end  with  engine cuts 3-4 laps after clover ... 

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #98 on: July 25, 2021, 03:16:58 PM »
I know this might sound dumb, but where do you folks get the metal back plates
for the 46?

I have googled just about every where I can think of.

Thanks much..

I have them in stock

Randy  678 407 9376

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Re: List "YOUR" set up for the OS .46LA
« Reply #99 on: May 03, 2022, 01:58:58 PM »

This may sound even dumber.  What is the advantage of the metal backplate as a replacement for the stock item?


