Engine basics => Engine set up tips => Topic started by: Manuel Cortes on January 02, 2007, 11:27:32 AM

Title: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Manuel Cortes on January 02, 2007, 11:27:32 AM
Hello all, and my best wishes for all in the New Year.
Does some person in the forum have experiece with the old Russian Raduga 7 and Talka 7 engines?
I´ve collected a unit of each of them and was thinking in using on a Russian design (like Sirotkin Spacehound, for example).
All comments highly appreciated, as allways.
Manuel Cortés.
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Bob Zambelli on January 02, 2007, 01:31:35 PM
Hi, Manuel.

 My only experience with these engines is bench running. Mine were new but the piston/liner fit was rather poor and the power definitley low.  Z@@ZZZ Z@@ZZZ

Try yours to see if there is any improvement.

Bob Z.
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Bill Little on January 04, 2007, 12:03:48 AM
I have an Akrobat 42, but none of the ones you listed.  Tom H., made me another venturi and test ran it.  He was very impressed.  It was (evidently) the engine that Sirotkin, Gabris, and the USSR team used in the late '60s, early '70s.

Bill <><
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Manuel Cortes on January 04, 2007, 05:39:08 AM
Hello all,
I´ve been told that Talka 7 is a copy of the best stunt motor ever made in Russia, the Akrobat 7 (.42).
Is possible a photo of that engine, Bill?
Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Bill Little on January 04, 2007, 06:17:42 AM
Hello all,
I´ve been told that Talka 7 is a copy of the best stunt motor ever made in Russia, the Akrobat 7 (.42).
Is possible a photo of that engine, Bill?
Thanks a lot.

Hi Manuel,

I will try to remember to take a picture of it this evening when I get home, I got it from a Gentleman in the Czech Republic.  It is fairly nice looking for one of the "older" USSR engines, not as "polished" as the engines of today, but ok.  An extremely good piston seal!  Tom seems to think it could possibly rival a ST 46.  We will see!  I have a CLassic Legal Russian model planned for it that is seldom, if ever, seen.   I only know of one that has been built in the US.
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Manuel Cortes on January 04, 2007, 08:34:45 AM
Hello again.
Could your model be Petrov model?, used by Kodratenko, Petrov and Eskin in the Worlds Champs in the begining of the 70´s?
Is classic Legal for your US rules?
Thanks for your interest.

PS: Bill, your Spacehound is pretty, good home to test the Akrobat in flight!!!!  #^
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Bill Little on January 04, 2007, 01:09:41 PM
Hello again.
Could your model be Petrov model?, used by Kodratenko, Petrov and Eskin in the Worlds Champs in the begining of the 70´s?
Is classic Legal for your US rules?
Thanks for your interest.

PS: Bill, your Spacehound is pretty, good home to test the Akrobat in flight!!!!  #^

Hi Manuel,

Thanks!  The Spacehound is now "retired" while it is in one piece.  ;D  The plane needs to be recovered, the silkspan is now splitting.  Plus, I didn't make a good choice on the wheels, they are hard plastic (or something) racing wheels and make a terrible racket on pavement!

The Russian plane is actually Sirotkin's "last" competitive plane, from 1969 so it is legal in our Classic events.  I will give more details when I get it underway.  y1  Gotta keep the "mystery factor" until I can be sure I have one finished before someone else does! **) **)

I should be home in a couple hours and I will take a picture of the Akrobat 42.

Bill <><
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Bill Little on January 04, 2007, 08:43:22 PM
Not sure of the year it was made.
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Randy Powell on January 04, 2007, 10:39:24 PM

How Russian of you.
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Manuel Cortes on January 05, 2007, 01:13:53 AM
Hi all.
Bill, thanks for the photos, Talka 7 is (at least externally) a Akrobat copy.
Once I test it run, I´ll comment the results in the forum.
By the way, Bill, when you tried on the test stand, the power was similar of the Tigre 46?
Thanks again.
Bill, good choce of a plane, exclusive and in my opinion, competitive at todays (no more, it´s a secret!!!!) VD~
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Bill Little on January 05, 2007, 11:15:20 AM
Hi all.
Bill, thanks for the photos, Talka 7 is (at least externally) a Akrobat copy.
Once I test it run, I´ll comment the results in the forum.
By the way, Bill, when you tried on the test stand, the power was similar of the Tigre 46?
Thanks again.
Bill, good choce of a plane, exclusive and in my opinion, competitive at todays (no more, it´s a secret!!!!) VD~

When I got the engine, I sent it to my buddy Tom H.  I asked him to "check it out" and see about a venturi, etc., so I could run it with 5%-10% nitro.  I had guessed it was originally set up for no nitro that being the FAI trend.

He ran it and reported back to me that it was pretty strong, and compared it to the ST 46.  So far, I have not runi it myself.  I will this spring, and I should have an airframe of the "_________" by then...............maybe!

Bill <><
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Manuel Cortes on January 05, 2007, 12:05:04 PM
Thanks a lot, Bill, we´ll be on touch.
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: gary tultz on February 04, 2007, 02:03:06 PM
Manuel, for someone with much personal experience with these engines,contact Mike Alimov. He flew them a lot in Russia,the land of his youth. I have not seen him on this forum but I know he is registered on SSW.He will tell you all you need to know.Use my name.------Gary T.
Title: Re: Ex Soviet Raduga 7 and Talka 7, who knows them?
Post by: Manuel Cortes on February 05, 2007, 03:10:07 AM
Thanks very much for the info, Gary!!
Kind regards from Spain.