Dear people
First of all, we would like to apologize for taking so long to reply.
I was with Marcelo yesterday all day long discussing the Project and if you bear with me for a few lines, I will try to update you on what the heck has been going on.
I am truly sorry to have to bring politics here, but my best guess is that maybe you are aware of the terrible situation here.
The USD to BLR rate has spiked hard, making it difficult to get material for a steady price.
And what I mean is one day the rate is like 1 USD = 4 BLR, then another corruption scandal appears, the ex-presidente of the country has his arrest required by the "DA", and the next thing you know is the rate goes to 1=3.6....
In the meantime, Seritec also had the chance to move to a new facility, and not mentioning the gigantic investiment of Money, it demands the personal care of Marcelo, since he is the one responsible for all the machinery.
I toured the new place and it is so large that one could fly a 1/2A plane there easily... And also saw the área that will be the kit production room...
I know you must be frustrated, but believe me people, you have no idea of the struggle it's been to get things moving...
Seritec has been growing in spite of the crisis, and not only the Chupim, but the Holeshot will be avaiable very soon...
And that is the good News, after all you guys have your own political/economy problems, right?
Marcelo is absolutely commited to having kits that are top-notch quality and that is where the good News start.
Yes, there is good good News...
Marcelo has asked me to take care of all communicatin, since he is embarassed for his "bad" english, as he says, and told me that he feared being misunderstood. So, any questions you might have, please, PM me.
A few changes will be done to the Project, some due to necessary budget adjustment, and some to make it even better.
Not that there was any problem with the kit... But some cutting and experimenting showed us that there was room for weight loss and redoing all that has been taking some time that Marcelo simply hasn't had lately as I explained above.
The Mark II Chupim will have a one-piece stab instead of the two-piece in the first series... Carbon stuff prices have gone up pretty bad, so that was a must do thing... The wing take-apart system is also being changed for the same reason, and this is what Marcelo is developing now.
One other nice feature is that there will be an eletric version option... and the great News is that since the fuselage is a 2-piece unit, one can go from glow to eletric just switching noses.... And of course the nose will be offered as a conversion kit...
And it has fallen to me building the eletric version of the new Mark II... Marcelo has a lot in his hands now, but he told me he will not let you down...
And neither will I.
Now, regarding prices, right now it is at BLR 1,350, shipping included, so you just have to convert to your currency...
The price for us here is very much like the price of a good US kit, like Eric's or Walter's.
We are working on trying to make it cheaper, so I do hope to bring more good new$ soon.
Yours truly
Marcus Cordeiro