Vendors Corner > Core House
SLC? anyone?
phil c:
I'm about at my wits end(what little I have). I can't find small quantities(500lb) available anywhere for a reasonable price. The Dupont film business was sold to another company that only works through distributior/post processors.
So far the best suggestion from one was everybody is only taking minimum orders of 2000lb at a cost well over $20,000. That will last about 30 years, which I can't guarantee.
If anyone has any suggestions I'd like to hear them. The above would supply about 65-70 rolls cut 18in. wide at about $380 per roll- about 35,000 lineal feet.
Any real suggestions would be appreciated.
Phil C
Tim Wescott:
This is more thinking out loud but -- does anyone else make similar stuff? What about the mylar film the free-flight guys swear by? What do the Eastern European guys cover their planes with?
Tim Wescott:
I forgot to mention: if you've been paying attention to western civilization's corporate culture, Phil, what you're supposed to do is to find some cheap smelly crap that sticks to itself but not to balsa, can't be cut but falls apart in the air, and then sell it as New, Improved SLC-II!!!.
I think you should have realized that by now.
Phil...I got a lifetime supply from you as I no longer can build
Before I found you and SLC I had (through Jeff Dawson) accumulated some light thin mil Doculam in rolls from a Oregon company....stupid cheap...BUT slightly heavier than your SLC...
At the time (2011) I is was ordering what Jeff suggested, but saw they had even thinner stuff....Think I got 2.5mill but too brain damaged to be sure
Sorry two strokes (not engines) later, and lost e-mail to computer crash, I can not provide a link
Also ask Bob Mears about his shrink supplier...I do not think what he is using for combat wings is self adhesive but maybe the mylar supplier has a product
john e. holliday:
Phil, I have used your SLC on quite a few planes and like it a lot. But on the Ebay site I found this guy who sells Mylar in 25 foot pieces. He is listed as day_trader. He lists it as Clear Super Flite Top Mylar Model Covering. He maybe can help you. Just a thought. D>K
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