Vendors Corner > Core House
Nemesis II no it's NOT Foam
phil c:
Finally got all the bits together for the Nemesis II kit. Laser-cut self-jigging ribs. All the wood, but no hardware(bellcrank, control horn, leadouts). The intro price is $45 for the first dozen. I'll make a few changes as needed, and then the price will go to $55. This is the first one built by my combat buddy Dan Reedy.
Brad Smith:
Phil do you still have any of these kits left.
Steven Kientz:
yeah Phil do you have any left??
phil c:
Sorry Folks, No balsa "mostly" kits. The time and costs are just too much. The USPS also can be harder on the shipping boxes more often with more damage. The alternative is using foam wing cores mated to the "hardware". As long as it is designed and tested properly it doesn't weight any more.
Phil Cartier.
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